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Anathi walked downstairs to check on her husband after her shower. She found him working on his computer on the couch infront of the television. She wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed his cheek.

' Thought you were asleep?'

He said before removing his reading glasses and turning to kiss her. They tongued each other down for a second before his laptop chimed. He had forgotten about work.

' Get back to work and to answer you, I was taking a shower. It just took longer because of cramps. My period is on it's way.'

' Sorry. Do you need me to get you anything?'

' No just going to take a warm bottle and sleep. Please don't stay up to long.'

Jabari was woken up by his wife screaming his name after he had unintentionally fallen asleep on the couch. He jogged upstairs to find her in the bathroom with a trail of blood from the bed to the bathroom.

' What the hell?'

' Sorry, it was an accident, didn't mean to make such a mess. I've never had such period pains. I was woken up by this twisting pain and when I got out of bed there was a gush of blood.'

She spoke with her face contorting with heavy breathing. Jabari convinced her to go to the hospital after he had helped her shower, even though she thought it was not that serious. He made sure to clean the blood before driving her to the hospital.

' Let me see if your doctor is in.'

Luckily he found a nurse who knew him and he explained his situation. He also showed her something he had found while cleaning the blood. He had not shown it to his wife as he did not want to alarm her. He went back to the accident and emergency to find her vomiting.

' The doctor is busy with someone but he will see you soon.'

She nodded before hurling out her stomach contents into the bowl. He did not have to wait long before the doctor walked into their curtain. Luckily her vitals were normal so he discharged her after prescribing antibiotic and pain medication.

' Is that your dad?'

Anathi asked when the elevator stopped at a different floor. Jabari ignored her, he had an idea why he was here and he was not in the mood to see her.

' Jabari?'

' You know why he's here so drop it.'

' Then you wonder why I miscarried.'

She mumbled but he heard her.

' What?! You're blaming me for your miscarriage! Last time I checked you're the woman and you didn't even know you were pregnant. Seven weeks pregnant at that.'

' Are you serious? You out of all people know how my period is irregular. I did not know with Ayo that I was pregnant.'

He did not mean to blame her but finding the seven week embryo made him feel some type of way. As tiny as it was, you could see that it was developing. This was not her first miscarriage but they never happened like this and he had never seen even a drop of blood. This was new and scary for him and he forgot about her for a moment till he heard her sniffling as they lay back to back in their huge bed.

' I am sorry.'

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