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' Dad where's mom?'

Jabari turned to his son standing in the kitchen doorway with a confused expression on his face. Now Jay-Jay or Jabari junior was the spitting image of his father even down to his mannerisms. He was so much like him, you would think he had him alone. He knew it was unusual for him to be standing over the stove.

' Not even a hello dad.'

' Sorry but I'm just not used to seeing you making us breakfast.'

' Well your mother is tired.'

' Is everything okay dad? Are you guys separating again because I heard you arguing last night.'

The couple always made it a point not to argue infront of their children or loud enough to be heard by them but there were always exceptions.

' To be honest with you. I don't know. See I did something stupid that hurt your mother and right now she's not really talking to me.'

' Don't you love mommy dad?'

' I love your mother more than anything son.'

' Then how come you keep hurting mom. The pastor at grandma's church last Sunday said that love is kind and we don't hurt the one's we love.'

' I_ I made a mistake son but trust me that this time around I did not deliberately do it. I love your mother and I love you guys. I just don't understand how this happened.'

He left to fetch his baby girl who was crying in the nursery and returned to find his twin boys seated with their brother and they also wanted to know where their mother was.

' She's resting.'

His oldest son replied just as Anathi walked into the kitchen and greeted her children with forehead kisses.

' I was going to bring you your food upstairs. Thought you were sleeping in today?'

' Nah I've got things to attend to. Boy's go get ready. Daddy's taking you to school.'

He noticed the swelling under her eyes and knew that she spent the rest of the night crying and did not get much sleep. After they argued in the kitchen, she asked to sleep alone and they would discuss the matter further in the morning. He spent the night in the guest room.

' I'm taking Ayo over to mom's, please get her bag ready for me.'

' I thought we were going to talk about the _ you know.'

' I decided that there's nothing to talk about since you refuse to tell me the truth.'

' But babe I am telling you the truth.'

' Then explain how she got pregnant by you?'

Jabari was himself puzzled about the whole thing and could not give her an answer. He would love to explain it to her or tell her that she was right and he was lying but he was being honest. More honest than he had even been his entire life and she did not believe him. Not that he blamed her because he too was starting not to believe his own truth.

' See you cannot because you're lying.'

' I think we should get another test done.'

Jabari felt that something was off but did not know what since he was there during the whole procedure and knew that the tests were sent straight to him upon completion. Lala got her own copy and only they had them.

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