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Anathi walked into her husband's office after having her sister drop her off. She had date night with Jabari and had asked her to pick her up from home and drop her at his building since he was working late. He had told her they were going to a three star restaurant. So she opted for an all black body hugging dress with a low neckline, paired with black and gold heels and a gold neckpiece.

' There goes my baby.'

Jabari sang when he walked out of the elevator and saw her walking towards it. She was glad that she did not have to wait on him. He placed his case and jacket on the receptionists desk, to pull her by her waist and kissed her passionately.

' Thanks. Whoo, slow down baby.'

Jabari thanked the waiter and was surprised to find his wife already half way through her plate.

' Sorry babe. I just haven't eaten all day.'

' Was work that hectic?'

' Yes and no. Just something I heard today that made me unable to function.'

' Okay _ what did you hear?'

' First I need to know how you discarded the condom after you and my-'

' Why are we still discussing this!?'

' I need to know Jay, it's important.'

Jabari took in a deep breath and let it out.

' I discarded it in the trash can. She had one in her kitchen. Why?'

' I found out that ...'

Anathi shared the information she received earlier with him for most their meal with him listening attentively.

' That explains a lot but are you sure about this? I don't want to confront her only to have it blow up in my face.'

' I am sure. She seemed sure and I googled it after. It mentioned that it was possible but I don't think we should confront her yet.'

He asked why before taking a sip of his lemon iced tea, he was having a non alcoholic drink since he had to drive while Anathi had a glass of wine.

' Love we don't have concrete evidence and we might just run her off if we confront her. I want to investigate first.'

' Fine I think I know an investigator who-'

Anathi held up her finger stopping him.

' I want to do this myself. Just don't know yet where to start but please try to get a hold of her so you can see the boy -'

' What for?'

' Babe we need to make her comfortable and unsuspecting. Plus he is your son. You should get to know him.'

' Are you serious right now? I refuse to accept that child or play nice with that girl. I did not deliberately or mistakingly have him so I will not accept him. I did not have this child with her.'

Anathi looked at her husband as he ate.

' You act like I said sleep with her again. I'm just saying let's beat her at her own game.'

' Is there no way we can find out the truth without having to deal with her? You cannot seriously expect me to do that.'

' You've done it before though!'

' Is this how it's going to be from now on?'

Anathi shrugged drinking her wine. It was not that she was deliberately trying to attack him but she needed him to be on board.

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