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With her daughter peacefully sleeping in her carrier, Anathi walked into her father in-laws home. Since she felt her mother was wrong for inviting her cousin over while she was visiting, she asked her father-in-law to watch her daughter. He was of course happy to do so since he loved spending time with his grandchildren.

' Hi Anathi is that my little princess?.'

Anathi cringed when her mother in-law walked up to her and took her sleeping daughter from her. Jabari was going to kill her when he found out. Her father in-law walked in behind his now girlfriend and hugged Anathi.

' Don't worry I won't tell him.'

She smiled. Not because she was relieved because knowing her mother in-law she would take the opportunity to rub it in her son's face but because he noticed her stress.

' Hope you have enough room for one more divorced woman when he finds out.'

When they walked into the kitchen. Ayo was up enjoying the attention her grandmother was giving her. Anathi noticed the glow in her mother in-law's eyes as she played with her grandchild. There was longing and happiness and tears?

' Hey honey, why are you crying?'

Her father-in-law asked the question she was afraid to ask. Afterall she was not close like that with her.

' I'm just happy to even get the chance to spend even one second with one of my grandbabies.'

' Oh honey.'

Her father-in-law pulled her into an embrace. Anathi felt bad.

' How is my son Nathi, heard he went over to your father to apologize. Does this mean he believes now that the child is his?'

' No he's still adamant that he did not get her pregnant.'

' Then how did he father this child if that's case? I am not saying he's lying baby girl but something doesn't add up.'

Her father-in-law said rubbing his all white beard in deep thought.

' I must say you both haven't experienced life I can see. You know a woman can get pregnant with just sperm right?'

' Yeah but through i.v.f and sperm donors but-'

' and in the kitchen with sperm and a baster syringe.'

Anathi and her father-in-law both looked at Penelope as if she suddenly grown four heads.

' Wait what?'

' A woman just needs live sperm to get pregnant and I am a hundred percent sure my son did not think of that when he threw away the condom. He probably threw it in a trash can, right?'

Anathi did not recall how he discarded his condoms since she could not recall if they had ever used any.

' I did not ask but how can you be sure of this. I mean don't they die in a condom?'

' I am not sure how long they can live in a condom but I know that after ejaculation sperm can live for 20 minutes outside the body. If she was ovulating the condom was perfect for her to collect the sperm then put it in a specimen cup and inject herself or ask someone to. '

' That's not possible.'

' It is,if the condom doesn't have spermicide.'

' How do you know this?'

Penelope hesitated before unconvincingly replying that she knew of a friend who did it.

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