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' Where are you taking me? We've been driving for hours.'

' I know.'

Anathi sighed and looked ahead. It had been an hour and thirty minutes since he came home and told her to get dressed. He refused to give her any further information of where they were going and she was losing her patience.

' We're here.'

' It's just a bench at a bus stop. You dragged me out of my house and drove all this way just to stand at a bus stop. You now we passed like a hundred bus stops on our way here.'

Anathi said irritated. She did not want to be out in this damp weather. Jabari wrapped his thick arms around her shoulders and pulled her into him as they stood facing the railway tracks behind the bus stop.

' Remember where we met?'

' Yes!, at a bu-'

Anathi smiled from embarrassment when she looked around and it was this bus stop that she first met Jabari. They never talked at first till one day he angrily sat down next to her. She noticed that his face was red either from crying or anger and being concerned asked him what the problem was.

' oh my gosh it has changed so much. When did they make this railway. I remember it used to be a forest and only a few houses this side-'

She said pointing to the opposite side of the road. Where there stood rows after rows of houses now and you could clearly see the high school she went to from where they stood but back then all you could see was trees. She hated having to walk through the woods back then just to get to the only nearest bus stop. Being that most of the children she knew either were picked up or stayed nearby, she never had a companion till she met Jabari. Who was also studying in a nearby college.

' You remember the first time we spoke to each other?'

' Yeah. You walked over and sat next to me without the usual hello and I wondered why till I saw you were red faced and fuming.'

' Yeah that started off as a horrible day only to be turned around by your kiss. '

' You were crying and I really didn't know what to say or do. I become awkward when people cry. My first thought was to kiss you.'

' As long as I'm the only man you kiss.'

' I have never kissed any other man since.'

'That's good.'

' Plus I always admired your lips from afar. Craved to taste them.'

Anathi turned to the side where he lay his chin in the crook of her neck and pecked his lips. Jabari might have hurt her but she was so much inlove with him. She just needed to learn how to completely trust him again.

' Only to find out you were dumped.'

Anathi laughed she never knew why he was in tears till a year into their relationship and he thanked her for healing his broken heart a year later. Although they started officially dating two months after that, he never wanted to make her feel like a rebound.

' Anyway, I brought you over here to show you something.'

As soon as he finished saying those words a commuter train wheezed past.

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