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' Oh that's what he told you?, and your little gullible dumbass believed him. How sad.'

Anathi held Asa back when she attempted to stand up as Lala and her cousin started laughing at her. Anathi was not phased since she believed that even though he slept with her, he took precaution.

' Well he is my husband and if he says he used protection then he did. Plus I know for a fact that you took his sperm and used it to get yourself pregnant. Now who is the dumbass.'

' Who told You? It must be those two idiotic girls. I know I shouldn't have told them anything but it does not matter- '

' You just told on yourself cousin.'

Anathi wished she could take a picture of her cousin's facial expression but she could not since she was recording their conversation.

' It doesn't matter. The fact remains that the child is still his and I know it hurts you that your husband has a child with me.'

' What is your infatuation with my brother in-law though? Is his dick that good that you two would hate each other over it?'

Asa spoke up before her sister could.

' Personally I have had better but she took what's mine and I just wanted to get back at her for taking him away from me.'

' Bitch now I am fully convinced that you have lost your mind! Have you forgotten that you dumped the poor guy before Ana even got with him. She did not know that he was your ex till later that year. Plus you did not even want the guy.'

' I told you about him almost everyday. You knew who he was! There's an unwritten girl code to these things! She was supposed to break up with him when she found out but she did not.'

' Lala I told you I did not think that he was your Jabari as he lived in a different area and you did not even want him and I was pregnant then, I couldn't.'

' Look what happened to that baby!'

' Watch what you say to my sister Lala!'

' Asa can you mind your business and let them talk.'

Sharon spoke up as it seemed like this meeting was now between Asa and Lala.

' Bitch shut up. This is my mother's house and I will talk for my sister if I have to!'

' Don't mind her cuz, she's always been her hoe sister's little puppet.'

' Bitch who you calling a hoe?!'

Anathi called out for her father when Asa got on the table and jumped on Lala causing them to tumble backwards with the chair. She grabbed her hair and began throwing punches left and right while Lala tried to block them and Sharon and Anathi tried to get Asa off. Lala accidentally punched Sharon while blindly trying to punch Asa.

' You're. so.dis_respectful! How many times I have to tell you that you're the whore for sleeping with a married man. '

Though their father taught them both how to fight, Asa was the one always ready to fight. He rushed over as soon as he saw what was happening and tried to pry her fingers out of the Lala's hair. Which took some time.

' I warned your mother about this.'

He shook his held while standing inbetween them.

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