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' Well in our country audio recording is not deemed unlawful except in exceptional cases.'

Jabari's lawyer explained to Anathi what the exceptional cases were. Although her husband had not been speaking to her for the last three days, she continued with her quest to prove that her cousin tricked her husband. She was more determined now since a day before a letter came for him in which Lala was suing for child support. Jabari was livid and almost went after her but he father, who happened to come visit, calmed him down.

' Well thanks and I'll keep in touch.'

' Please ask your husband to call me. I need to talk to him about the child support issue.'

Anathi agreed even though she doubted that he would let her in his man cave where he locked himself everyday to avoid her. He slept in the guest room and although it hurt, she knew she had to give him time to calm down. When it came to issues with Penelope, that could take days.

' Where the hell have you been Asa!?'

Anathi almost screamed at her sister when she walked into her apartment. Since her husband found out about her secretly letting his mother see his children, she had been trying to get into contact with her.

' Sorry sis but I had an unexpected romantic getaway-'

' Why the hell did you not inform me so I could fetch my children from Penelope.'

' Sorry sis but it slipped my mind.'

' It slipped your mind?! Do you know how much trouble I'm in with Jay? He's has not spoken to me in three days because of your irresponsibility!'

' Hold up! Wait a minute! My irresponsibility?! The last time I checked those children weren't mine and I was not the one sneaking around my husband's back with the woman he despised more than anything on this earth.'

' Oh is that how you feel!? Well thanks for letting me know and don't worry I'll never ask you to babysit for me ever again.'

' fine!'

Anathi knew she was being unreasonable but she had to put the blame on someone. She got home to find Jabari making dinner. To her surprise he replied back to her greeting. So she decided to give him the message from his lawyer.

' Khuli asked for you to call him.'

' What were you doing with Khuli?'

' I went over to find out what and what can I not do with regards to getting my cousin to confess to her crime. Even though he has never heard of such a case and doubts that we can do anything about it.'

' Yeah he says even if we can prove that she stole the sperm, the court will rule in her favor and I will have to pay child support.'

Anathi let out a deep breath and lay her head ontop of the kitchen counter. Their life was turning into a bad soapie episode. If this was what better or worse meant, she no longer felt up to it. Wiping her cheeks she left him standing there and went up to her bedroom without a word and feeling defeated. Jabari walked in to find her laying face down on their bed with only her upper back moving. She was crying and it was his fault.

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