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Jabari placed the serving tray on the side table before kissing her forehead. Two days had passed since their visit to the hospital and although they had both apologised for accusing each other, they was still a bit of tension between them. He sat next to her when her eyes opened and she smiled at him.

' Breakfast in bed?'

' Yeah, thought I should make you something to eat before I head out to my meeting.'

' Have the kids left?'

' Yeah your sister came to take them to school today and your mother and father are downstairs.'

Anathi rolled her eyes. Although her and her mother had made up, she did not feel like being lectured today on trying to mend bridges with her cousin.

' Don't be like that. They came to check on you.'

' It's easier for you to say. She's not your mother.'

' Trust me. I'd rather have her for a mother than Penelope. I wish I had a mother who bugged me as much as your mother does. It shows she cares.'

' Penelope is trying now though.'

Jabari shook his head

' No. It's a little too late and she's only doing it because she wants me to open her way to heaven.'

' What's so bad about that though babe. She realises that she made a mistake and all she's asking for is forgiveness and a chance to spend her final days with you and her grandchildren.'

' Like I've said repeatedly, I do not care about that woman. How can I be sure that she's sincere if she's doing this just to get to heaven.'

' I thought you don't believe in heaven.'

' I'm trying to get my point ahead here Anathi.'

' I'm sorry baby but I really think YOU should hear her out. Not for my sake or anyone's but for your sake and sanity.'

' I'll do it only if you talk to your cousin about the lawsuit.'

He said hoping she would not agree. Anathi thought about it for a few minutes as he finished getting dressed for work.

' Fine.'

' What? Are you serious?'

' Yes. I'll talk to Lala and you go see your mother.'

' Fine, when?'

' This afternoon. Terrell said she's currently admitted at-'

' When did you speak to Terrell?'

' He called looking for you yesterday  because you weren't answering his calls and asked me to inform you that she had been admitted. I did not tell you because you're always telling me to drop it.'

It was true but after her miscarriage he began have a different idea on how to handle issues because the doctor had told them that stress was the cause.

' I'll try to go during lunchtime but if she says anything that I do not agree with I'm out of there.'

' Same with your baby momma. I will not hesitate to punch her in the face.'

He laughed before kissing her on her forehead and leaving for work. Anathi quickly got dressed and headed downstairs to her parents.

' Hey princess.'

Her father kissed her forehead. As old as she was her father still called her princess. Her mother believed that it was inappropriate but he did not care.

' How are you feeling honey?'

' Well it hurts especially -'

She explained to them that it was harder with every miscarriage but life goes on.

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