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Jabari sat going through his wife's phone for no reason except that she had handed it to him when she took their daughter to get her nappy changed. A social media notification popped up and out of curiosity checked it to find that her cousin had tagged her in a picture of a baby of about two months with a caption that only thanked him. He sat up shocked when he saw this and lot went through his head. He grabbed his phone to call her but Anathi walked back onto the room.

' Are you Okay? You look ready to kill someone.'

' I'm good. Just have a lot on my mind.'

' Is this about your mother?'

He nodded yes even though he had not thought about her since his brother stormed out of his house three days ago when he refused to speak to her.

' Look I understand that you went through a lot as a child. That you needed your mother but maybe since she no longer has-'

' Anathi I meant it when I said I want nothing to do with that woman. So please mind your own business.'

From day one Jabari had made it known to his wife that he does not discuss his mother and that as far as he was concerned, he had no mother. He was raised by his father and innumerable girlfriends.

' Jabari you're a fath-'


His sons who were watching the latest movie turned the heads with fright when they heard him scream her name. Anathi gave them a weak smile when she noticed the confusion and fear in their eyes to reassure them all was well. While Jabari stormed out to the backyard.

' I'm sorry babe. I know it's-'

' It's fine I'm over it.'

He replied as he stood watching the horizon from their bedroom balcony where he had retired to after they had quietly tucked in their children.

' I just meant it when I said Penelope is a no go area.'

Anathi slid her arm around his waist and he put his over her shoulder.

' Lala tagged you in this.'

He said handing her back her phone. Which she had forgotten that he had. She looked up at him confused as soon as she saw the picture.

' That's not my baby.'

' Are you sure?'

' Fam_ I might have been dumb enough to sleep with her but I'm a thousand and one percent sure I used protection and my own.'

' How when the last time you bought condoms was eleven years ago. That was before we got married.'

' I bought a box the night before I went over to her place.'

Anathi pushed him away when the wheels in her head started turning, upon realisation that his previous story was not the same as what he was saying right now.

' Wait a minute. That's not what you told me!'

' What do you mean?'

' You said you it happened in your office?!'

He nervously brushed the back of his head while she starred directly at him with her arms under her breasts.

' I. Uhm. I_ I can explain babe.'

He stuttered and looked everywhere except her. He knew he was wrong and he could not really explain why he lied.

' I'm waiting.'

' I am sorry.'


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