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' I did not tell you because I did not want to hurt you but I promise I did not mean to sleep with her.'

' You went into a store and bought a pack of condoms. Went over to her apartment and strip both of y'all down. You lay her on her bed and probably whispered sweet nothings as you slid in and out of her till the box was empty. Maybe you decided that one more round would not hurt if you pulled out . Who knows huh! Don't tell me you did not mean to when you did all that with her. You meant to sleep with her and then lied to me about it. You meant to cause me to worry when I could not get hold of you and went into labor without you by my side. You meant to do all of that. Jabari you planned this and knew I was due any minute but you did what you wanted anyway.'

' Nathi I swear I did not mean it.'

' Stop fucking telling me that! Nobody forced you to sleep with her and miss the birth of our daughter. You did that on your own and then you have the decency to lie to me when I forgive you and gave you another chance. Thinking that you meant what you said.'

' Anathi I did. I am sorry.'


She moved her hands away when he tried to touch her. Anathi was tired of crying and hurting but could do nothing to stop the hurt and tears. Jabari thought he was protecting her when he changed the facts about his story but he realised that he had hurt her further.

' Anathi please believe me -'

' Believe you?! Believe you Jabari. We're here because I believed you and gave you the benefit of the doubt. I gave you another chance and all you did was lie to me. You just keep lying to me! Do not ask me to believe anything you say right now.'

' Baby please.'

Anathi stepped back when he took a step forward and asked him to leave. He tried to plead his case.

' Leave! Please leave. I need to be alone.'

Jabari was hesitant to leave since she was hyperventilating. Anathi turned away from him and walked out into the balcony to get some fresh air and he sat down on the edge of the bed just to make sure she would not have an attack like the time he told her about the affair.

' What are you doing?'

He asked when she walked in a few minutes later and began throwing clothes and toiletries into an overnight bag.

' I'll be back in the morning. I need to get away from you.'

' Nah I'll leave and return when you say. '

'No I need to get away from you and this house. I don't think I'll be emotionally and mentally stable to deal with them in the morning.'

' What about Ayo?'

'She has enough breast milk in the fridge.'

' Anathi I cannot spend the whole night with the kids alone.'

' Just one night. I deserve that after today. I need to be alone with my thoughts.'

He tried to stop her but she shook his hand off and walked out.

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