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Jabari stood in his bedroom doorway watching her get dressed from the mirror that faced the closet. He could not help but wonder where she was off to since she did not have to work and her phone kept constantly chiming. He watched her grunt as it chimed once again and she switched it off before throwing it into one of her closets. Jealousy and suspicion caused him to march into the closet and go through her phone.

' Who is Luther?'

' Some guy I was talking when we were separated. He has been on my case since I told him that I'm working on my marriage.'

He chuckled.

' You're fucking kidding me right! You were entertaining other men when we were separated.'

' Keyword being separated and yes. I wanted to see if I wanted to be with you or move on.'

' How long were you seeing him!?'

Anathi was taken aback by the anger in his tone. She did not think or feel he should be angry since he was the wrong doer.

' For the past three months.'

'Did you fuck him!?'

She made a dramatic turn of her head in disbelief of what he was asking her. He had no right to question her.

' Why? So you can feel less guilty about sleeping with another woman?'

' Nathi!'

' No I did not fuck him. Yes I did kiss him two nights before your event. We were out on a date and he caught me off guard as he dropped me off. '

' You had sex with me that night because you were really feening for him.'

' Your logic though. No. I came to your event because I wanted to support you and that led to something else. I did not even think of him till he started texting me.'

' So I was doing my best to show you that I was sorry and wanted us to work on us. While you were out here kissing strangers. To think I curved so many women just to prove that I loved you.'

' I kissed one guy one time. You cheated on me with my cousin not once but twice and I'm the bad guy.'

' You are a married woman.'

' Who was separated from her lying cheating husband. I did nothing wrong and I would not be wrong even if I did fuck him.'

' So you did fuck him.'

' Jabari Present. I have not fucked any man besides you in the past fifteen years.'

' How can I be sure of that when you're out here entertaining men while married. Here I was bragging about you to my friends and family. While you're out here doing hoe shit!!'

Anathi could not understand why he was so mad and could not believe that he was attacking her like she had cheated on him.

' Hoe shit?. So now I'm a whore. Those friends are the same people who silently watched you cheat on your wife. I did nothing wrong because we were separated and unlike you I never slept with him. He kissed me after our da-'

' Fuck this!'

He stormed out of their bedroom. grabbed his car keys and walked out of the house. Slamming the front door on his way out. He had double standards and was being a hypocrite. He could stay mad for all she cared, she thought.

BIGGEST MISCONCEPTION...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz