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Jabari walked into the house to find his wife sitted outside by the pool in her night robe and drinking. From where he stood he could see it's belt hanging to the floor. He was working late so the children were all in bed. He placed his laptop case ,phone and suit jacket on the kitchen counter and walked out to her.

' Oh hi, you're back.'

She said tilting her head back when he lowered his to kiss her hello. He poured himself a glass of what she was having before sitting at her feet and put them on his thighs to massage her.

' What is troubling you?'

' Drinking in the middle of the week gave me away huh?'

' Yes and the fact that you're naked by the pool and playing this type of music.'

' Just this whole thing with Lala has me stressed out. '

' I heard about your altercation with her at the mall.'

Anathi sat up shocked as to how he knew.

' How do you know about that?'

' Girl, I've been watching you like a hawk in the sky.'

' The song doesn't go like that.'

She laughed as he sang making her relax back into her chair while he continued with his foot massage.

' Nothing serious happened there but Asa gave me an idea on how to find out how she got pregnant. '

' What do you mean?'

' You know how Lala is very close to Theresa and Mimi. I can bet you, they know about her stealing your sperm and that's if they were not involved themselves. I just need to figure out a way to get them to give me info on their friend.'

Jabari looked at his wife with concern. This vendetta between her and her cousin seemed to be the only thing she cared about these days. Not that he was feeling neglected or she was neglecting her kids but he realised when they talked it was mostly about getting back at her cousin.

' I think you should just forget about this.'

' What why?'

' Anathi you're too obsessed with finding out this truth while knowing that you can do nothing with it even if you do find out.'

' I am not obsessed.'

' Day in and day out all you talk about is exposing Lala but what good will exposing her do for us. Nothing and Khuli told you this.'

' He also did say that if we could prove she tricked you, she could be liable to pay.'

' There's a slim chance of that happening and as much as I do not want to claim that child. I will not go to a court of law and sue her for making me support a child I did not want or plan for.'

' Oh so she can sue you for that child but you won't. Why are you protecting her? Are you still inlove with her or something?'

Jabari sighed, he knew his wife would jump into conclusions. Hence he had not said anything about it before.

' If I was inlove with her. I wouldn't be here right now and I am not protecting her. I'm protecting you. What if you take this matter to court and lose? What then? Babe we're already wasting money on this wild goose chase. That we could use for something productive.'

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