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Jabari was woken up by vibrations from his side table. Gently he pushed his wife off his now numb arm . He did not want to wake her up since he wore her out through the night. The children were spending the weekend with her sister so they could have some time together. He noticed it was her phone ringing but was surprised as to why his father was calling her, he touched on the receive button and before he could even say hello, a stressed voice came through the speaker.

' Nathi honey, sorry to bother you but Asa is still not here and I need to take Penny for her treatment. Can you come get the kids?'

Anathi was startled awake by the slamming of her front door. She got out of bed butt naked and went in search of her husband only to return back to her bedroom when she could not find him. Her phone was also not where she had placed it the night before. Thinking nothing of it, she decided to take a shower before making them breakfast.

' What the hell?!'

She exclaimed when ten minutes into her shower the door was slid back and cold wind hit her wet naked body. She smiled at first when she turned to find Jabari but it turned into shock when without warning he turned off the tap and demanded she get out.

' Get out!'

' What? Why? What happened?'

' What happened? What happened?!! What is wrong with you?'

Confused as to why he was mad she did not reply and wrapped her towel around her breasts. She followed him into their bedroom and that's when she heard the twins running up and down the stairs.

' Jay, babe I can explain.'

' Yes. Explain. Explain to me why I had to fetch my kids, who I knew to be with your sister from my father's house and why the hell you've been taking my kids to that witch for the past two weeks.'

' Baby I -'

' Did I not tell you that I want nothing to do with that woman and I definitely don't want my children around her!'

' I_I_I _'

Anathi stuttered under the angry gaze of her husband. She thought she had everything under control.


His voice was so loud even the children stopped playing. Anathi knew she messed up but her mother inlaw was sick and dying. He had to eventually forgive her.

' But babe she's dying.'

' Do I look like fucking care!? Did she care about me when her husband beat me with his fists at two years old because I was crying and he wanted to sleep? Did she care when he made me sleep outside in the cold because I had vomited on his shoes when he tried to forcefully feed me vegetables, huh. Did she care when she left me on my father's doorstep while he was at work because her husband was sick and tired of taking care of another man's bastard child?! Huh did she care then? NO! You will not make me care about her because she died when I was four years old.'

Jabari grabbed his car keys and walked out ignoring her pleading. They were both in tears and he needed to leave before he did something stupid.

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