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' I want that paternity test.'

Jabari sighed while packing his bags. They had a great weekend at the resort and she just had to ruin it, he thought.

' I said No.'

' Why not Jay. It will help us get past this issue.'

' I will do nothing for your cousin and you need to get off my back. I told you that baby isn't mine. Why can't you just believe me.'

' Because you fucked her and condoms ain't a hundred percent safe.'

' Nathi I may have slept with her but I definitely did not get her pregnant. Now drop it.'

He watched her open and close her mouth then drag her bags out of the resort. He sighed a breath of relief hoping that she was done with this topic but he thought it was time he met up with her cousin.

' Knew you'd eventually come crawling back to me? How did you find my address?'

' What the fuck is your problem?'

Jabari ignored her offer for him to come inside and instead stood outside her door. He did not want her trying anything or even going back to his wife to spread lies.

' That's not how you talk to the mother of your son.'

Jabari chuckled with a light shakes of his head. This woman was delusional.

' You know it's funny how when you had the chance to have me, you ditched me for someone you claimed was better.'

' I was young and stupid then Jay.'

' You were not young enough to abort my child weren't you. You women think you can abandon me then return when life is done with you. You have me fucked up!'

' I've apologized to you. What more do you want from me?!'

' I want you to stay away from me and my wife. -'

' I was yours first.'

Lala cut him off.

' I will forever regret that more than cheating on Anathi with you. I should have just dated her instead of you.'

' I'm better than her and you know it. That's why you came back.'

' You can never be better than her. You cannot even be on the same level as her, you're just a selfish woman. I did not come back to you. Stop your illegitimate claims and find that noy his father-'

' He is your son and a paternity will prove it.'

Jabari started at her for a second and smiled before agreeing to the paternity.

' Get him so we can get this over and done with.'


Lala looked shocked and unsure. He demanded it then because he knew that the child was not his and he was not going to her time to try to organize some bogus doctor .

' What? No longer so confident?'

' No. Fine let me grab him and his things we will be out in a minute.'

He helped her place the baby into the back seat of his car and realised how much he looked his sons and a little like his daughter but dismissed it since babies look like everyone at that age. He had called up the family doctor for where he could get a paternity and he referred to a friend of his.

' How long will this take doc?'

' You'll have you results in your to five working days.'

He said taking samples.

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