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' Like I said when I called you. I need to talk to you about your mother.'

' Like I always say I do not have a mother.'

' Jay _ Your mother just wants your forgiveness. She realises that she was wrong for abandoning you now.'

' Well dad it's too late for that now. She should have thought of that before she found out she was dying. Like I told Terrell sorry to her but there is no way I or my family is having a relationship with that woman. I'm no longer angry because she don't exist so she can stop trying to ask for forgiveness.'

' So you know she's sick. Don't you think it would be the right thing to do to just talk to her. I mean you don't have to have a relationship just sit down and talk. Hear her out. For my sake if not hers.'

Jabari sat back in his swivel chair with a sigh and swung side to side as his father waited on his reply. He sat up and looked at his father.

' Tell her to come to the office after lunch and if she's not here by half past two, she shouldn't bother coming.'

Though his father thought he was being unreasonable he still agreed and thanked him for giving her a chance. There was a knock on the door as they sat talking about life. His assistant told him that there was a woman here to see him but would not give her name.

' That's my cue to leave.'

His father said and they both stood up.

' Let me walk you out and see who this woman is.'

His father shook his head as soon as they both noticed who his receptionist was talking about.

' Get her out of here. '

His father whispered into his ear when they shared a hug.

' Hey father-in-law.'

The old man moved out of the way and kissed his teeth when she tried to hug him much to the amusement of his son and the assistant. Lala flipped her hair trying to play being snubbed off and walked into Jabari's office leaving him standing at his assistant's desk. Since he had his car keys and phone in his pocket he decided to go in the opposite direction. He did not care to know why she was even here.

' Notify me when she leaves.'

' Will do sir.'

His assistant smiled as he secretly left the building . He drove over to his wife's firm with a rose and her favorite takeaway of ribs and hot wings.

' Is she alone?'

He asked the receptionist who smiled at him and nodded yes. He told her to take her lunchbreak and hold her calls and walked into her office without being announced. She stood starring out the window with her cellphone to her ear and did not hear him come in till he pressed her onto the large window and sucked in her neck.

' I h_h_ave to go.'

She stuttered when she tried to stifle her moan after she had moaned into the phone the first time. Jabari attacked her lips as soon as she turned around. He was glad she had on a skirt as he hiked it up, turned her back around and jammed himself into her from behind.

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