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A not so happy looking Jabari walked out of the courthouse. Anathi's heart stopped beating for a second but she took in a deep breath and told herself they were going to be alright. He got into the car and sat back in the driver's seat with a sigh.

' Well what did the judge say?'

Without a reply he grabbed her chin and pecked her lips multiple times before a wide smile spread on his face as he kept his forehead on hers. Involuntarily she reciprocated his smile though still not sure as to what was happening.

' Jabari?'

' Sorry. I am just so lucky to have you as a wife. Due to the evidence you provided, the judge ruled that I did not have to pay child support. She went hard on your cousin though for her manipulative ways. I also got an earful about my part in this and cheating on my wife but I do not have to pay her a cent.'

' That's good I guess.'

' I thought this was what you wanted.'

' I just wanted to know the truth.I think you should sit down with her and discuss a fair amount for him. He is your son afterall.'

' You know what she did is the same of going to a sperm bank and getting a donor. I am not obligated to take care of those kids.'

' I know babe but I think you should help take care of him. I know what my cousin did is wrong but he is just a child.'

' I'm not promising anything but I'll think about it. You're one strange woman Anathi. '

She thanked her while he buckled up and drove them to the hospital where his children were with his father to see Penelope. He still did not care much for her but figured he should let his kids get to know her before she died.

' Aren't you coming with?'

' Nope. Just please hurry up. We have a flight to catch.'

Anathi returned twenty minutes later with his children and his father.

' You know you have to forgive her at some point.'

He's father said as he stood by his window.

' How when everytime I try to, something new is revealed. I cannot believe you forgave her after she basically trapped by having me.'

' Well if she didn't then I would not have had you.'

' Well that's how you see it. You're a bigger man than me.'

His father shook his head while he said his goodbyes and drove off. His mother had basically done what Lala had done to him but in his case his mother had lied about being on birth control. As she revealed to his father the night after he went to see her.

' Ready for our anniversary weekend?'

' Cannot believe we've made it to fifteen years after everything we've been through.'

' They say true love's the greatest weapon, to win the war, war caused by pain.'

Jabari sang to his wife as she lay ontop of him and he lay on a blanket on the beach sand under dark skies. Her soft lips on his, he slid his tongue into her mouth asking for entrance. His fell back as his hands went to her waist and hers wrapped around his neck deepening the kiss.

' I love you.'

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