15. Th-Three y-years.....

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"Jungkook....?" Jimin asked, his eyes almost falling out of their sockets.

"Huh? You know me? Have we met before? Why do you look familiar?" Jungkook asked, scowling at the shorter man. 

"Ahh, nevermind. My name is Jimin. I am older than you, so you can call me hyung. My boyfriend is downstairs waiting for more stuff." he said, still shocked to see Jungkook here. 

That too, a whole new Jungkook, with a body full of tattoos. He still couldn't get the 'Bunny-Kookie' image of Jungkook out of his mind.

"Oh, okay. Do you need any help moving stuff?" Jungkook asked. "Nah. You can give me and my friend some company, if you want" Jimin said. 

He was eager to know more about Jungkook. Jimin had seen Jungkook many times. But he knew that Jungkook had never seen him except for 'that day' and he was sure he didn't remember anyone's face from 'that day'.

"Sure! Where is your friend?" Jungkook asked just as he heard a deep voice call out for Jimin from the bedroom. "Coming! Waito!" Jimin hollered back and turned back to face Jungkook. 

"Come with me. You have to sit on the floor, though! The stuff hasn't come yet" he said, taking him to the room. "That's okay" Jungkook said.

"Hey, Tae! This is Jungkook. He lives next door" Jimin said. "Ohh, hi" Taehyung waved awkwardly, not knowing where Jungkook stood. "Hello" Jungkook said, scratching his neck awkwardly. 

"Oh?! You sound kinda familiar! My name is Kim Taehyung, by the way" Taehyung said, extending his hand out and waiting for Jungkook to shake it. 

Jungkook shook it. "Well, I am the guy who did your tattoo" he said. "Oh wow! I heard that it looks nice!" Taehyung exclaimed. "Thanks" Jungkook said and asked Jimin if he needed any help. "It's okay. Just sit there and talk about yourself" Jimin said. 

Jungkook felt very uncomfortable with the rapid-fire question round he was undergoing with Jimin, but he had promised his cousin to try. So he willed himself to stay. 

"For how long have you been a tattoo artist?" Taehyung asked, causing Jungkook's eyes to go wide. "Uhhh Th-Three y-years" Jungkook said, trying his best to control his stutter. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Taehyung asked, patting around and searching for Jungkook's shoulder. "Y-yeah I'm f-fine" the younger replied. 

Taehyung didn't understand why Jungkook started stuttering all of a sudden. On the other hand, Jimin realized why Jungkook suddenly started getting shit nervous. 

Hoseok was a tattooist. He realized that Jungkook was not over his death yet. 

Well, it really isn't easy to get over something as tragic as that. 

He had been there when it happened, and he can never forget what happened.

"So do you like Harry Potter?" Jimin asked, trying to change the topic and lighten up the mood. "Jimin?" Jin shouted from the living room before Jungkook could answer. "Coming!" Jimin yelled walked into the living room, leaving the two of them in the bed room. 

"Jin hyung! Oh god, I didn't know Jungkook was living with you!! Oh my god, I still can't believe thi-" "Hey chill!! The dinner is ready. Call Yoongi" Seokjin cut him off. 

"Okay. But when did he start living with you?" Jimin asked. "I brought him home after the.....you know.....'incident'. He was too out of it to even feed himself properly. So I decided to take care of him instead" Seokjin said. 

"Ohh. But I really still can't take his high school face out of my mind" Jimin said. "You knew him from high school??" Seokjin asked incredulously. 

"Yeah" Jimin said. "Tell me all about it!" Seokjin exclaimed. 

"Yeah, I will. Let's go to the balcony" Jimin said. 

"Okay" Seokjin said and the two of them walked to the balcony. 

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