let the games begin

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𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚋𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗

league of villains hq


I watched Dabi's black hair bounce as he was walking in front of me. if I had to point out who looked most like a villain I probably would have said it's him. although, red shoes also had some creepy aura about him.

„where did you get your piercings from?", I asked to start smalltalk. I hate this awkward silence.

Dabi didn't seem to mind it tho.

„why'd you ask?". he glanced back at me, his cold gaze giving me the chills. „just so", I replied quickly.

„we are here now", he announced soon after, pushing the door at the end of the corridor open for me. I didn't expect a fully decorated hotel suite, but I was still a bit disappointed when the room appeared to have no windows and had nothing but a bed stand inside of it.

they really are broke, huh?

Dabi told me he's got the honor of playing my babysitter for the time being so I shouldn't start any fights and just stay inside my room for now. He would come and get me in the evening, after I rested. he wants to check my quirk before he lets me join his missions.

I sighed, feeling like I was with Hizashi again. I already did my internship at PresentMic's radio studio before I became his sidekick once I graduated. back then I was lucky to be allowed to have an intership at a teacher's agency, but I never regretted it. PresentMic was perfect for me to develope my power.

music runs in the blood of my family. my brother's quirk was called heartbeat. if he'd sing a song and touch someones skin he could make them feel the emotions of the song. it was great! he could take any pain away from anyone! physical and mental!

my parents also used to have vocal quirks like speaking every language there is for example! my quirk is called soul song. it's different to normal quirks because it keeps a connection to it's prior users even after they die!

I can summon soul and make the physical again for a short period of time. although they are still translucent, I can touch them and use them as support in every way. their quirks are also free for me to use!

Soul Song had become a part of my life quite early on, when I would see my grandparents' reflection in the mirrors I was looking at. the more people died possessing soul song, the stronger the quirk got. my family always took care of it, so no one would use the ability for selfish reasons, but All for One crossed their plans.

in the end I was left alone as the last Altair and possessor of the ancient quirk Soul Song. I was too young to remember all of this, I only knew because Hizashi told me about this. I lived with the pro heroes until I could go to UA high because they didn't know if All for One would try and abduct me once again.

now that he was all locked up, I didn't had to fear for my life anymore, but now that I think about it.. joining the league of villains.. the institution All for One - the man who killed my whole clan - established.. maybe isn't the smartest idea?

why am I doing this?

ahh my head is aching... alright no it was the best decision to stay here! I will learn lots and gain experience!

„the bathroom is on the other side of the corridor, if you need anything don't look for me." that's all Dabi said before pressing the door shut behind him.

I stared at the wooden door for a while, until I jumped onto the bed and quickly shut my eyes. I was so tired. I cleaned my bruises, even got a little snack to eat, but now that I was alone I only realized how exhausted I was - and I didn't even know why!

I couldn't help it but my eyes kept falling shut automatically, without me even wanting to sleep. so much was going on right now! i made so many decisions I cannot comprehend right this moment... I needed to stay awake!

but just a few minutes later I drifted into a deep sleep. however, I wasn't dreaming at all.

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