special attack

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𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚔

sir park's mansion, great ballroom

Shigaraki POV

I wouldn't have noticed her at first if it wasn't for Sir Park, who pushed my elbow slightly.

"isn't that the hero you recruited?"

I slowly turned my head to the direction he was pointing at and met Ava's silhouette. she looked so different to usually. normally, she would prefer any pair of wide legged pants and a clean top over such a dress. I knew she took care of herself and always wore a little bit of makeup. but this Ava was totally new to me. she usually preferred functional clothes.

the dress she was wearing tonight was something completely different.

it hugged her curves just in the right places and although she was a small girl, the red shoes she was wearing were making her body look great. because her usual attire was covering more, I only now could see how trained she actually was. she didn't look super toned, but one could tell she didn't just do nothing all day.

I watched her, as Compress was spinning her and dancing with her.

the two were laughing.

Ava had to tilt her had slightly up so she could look at the older man's mask. my eyes were following after them as a bright smile flashed over the blonde's cherry lips.

I didn't even notice I stopped breathing for a second.

did Ava's smile just make me tremble?

wait, what the fuck am I thinking?

I turned my gaze away from the two, feeling stupid for behaving this way. I shouldn't be watching them like a total creep. I couldn't help it. Ava was a really sight for sore eyes.

she was the embodiment of a sunshine. everyone knew just from looking at her that she didn't belong to this world.

she didn't belong to my world.

she'd run into random object and apologize for them. she loved baking and cooking for the others. she is actually the one who makes the league a little family and although I was sceptical at first, I know realized that the others perform better with a little encouragement from our very own sunshine girl.

I never cared about the others but we've been through a lot by now.

I was actually glad Ava had recovered so quickly. now that I know she can influence the dark energy from the ocean, she's become a crucial part of the league. I couldn't bare loosing her right now as the plan just started to develop into the right direction.

I was actually glad she was so relaxed. I expected her to be nervous surrounded by all the villains but she seemed fine.

Compress spun her around once more, brushing his hands over her waist before pulling Ava against his chest again. she placed her hands against his chest, peeking up at him with a cheeky smile.

maybe they were a bit too relaxed...

I sighed at that thought. I was thinking weird stuff again. I blamed it on my lack of sleep. since the dark energy had awakened I haven't really found enough time to sleep, so it was only natural for me to see things that weren't there.

no strings attached...!


..well why does it feel to me like he is showing her off to me right now??

𝙢𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 || shigaraki tomuraWhere stories live. Discover now