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𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛

league of villains hq


I went back to look for Twice to give me some bandages for my wrist, when I ran into Mr. Compress. he seemed happy to see me, despite his face being hidden behind a mask. he helped me take care of my crumbling skin around my wrist. it will probably scar.

what a strong quirk...

luckily it didn't hurt all too much. I was still angry he just physically hurt me, a comrade, but then again I wasn't really surprised by his behaviour. he's been rude since the first moment we met. damned red shoes!

"by the way, Compress..", I got his attention. "do you keep some buckets and a mop in here?" he tilted his head a bit. I assumed he was watching me with an confused expression. "why would you need that?"

I chuckled, sliding off the kitchen counter I currently was sitting on. Compress packed the first aid kid in the meantime. "there is so much dust around here... I just want to clean up a bit. after all, I don't really have a meaningful task yet so let's start with the basics."

I sighed, dropping my shoulders as my hands were resting on my hips, causing Mr. Compress to laugh.

"always positive our Ava... well I can show you where all the stuff is.. but you can also join me for a patrol tonight if you want to", he offered politely.

"honestly, I feel like that Shigaraki would also get angry about me just going on patrol like that... also if you don't want the heroes to find me already, I should stay on the low for now."

the man watched me silently for a few seconds before replying. "oh.. right" after that he showed me where they kept a few cleaning utensils and I already got started in the kitchen. I worked through the dusty drawers and cleaned the oven and sink. people came and went elsewhere again, always snatching a piece of cake and thanking me quickly.

it cheered me up again and I felt like I've already grown closer to the others.

once the kitchen was finished I also headed to the corridors. there were webs hanging from the corners and I didn't even want to know what monsters lived inside of these old walls. I almost finished when Toga walked my way.

"big sis Ava! can you clean my room as well?", she smiled at me."I dropped a syringe filled with blood and now its everywhere!"

suddenly the door next to me got pushed open and a Twice in sweatpants was standing in front of me. "mine as well!"

"mine needs a sweep as well", Compress also walked up to us, scratching the back of his neck as if to show he was embarrassed to ask.

I watched all of them speechlessly, before nodding to myself. "I won't clean your rooms! but we can clean them all together - what do you say?"

the three didn't seem to eager.

I could understand. I also wouldn't have cleaned the whole building if I had something better to do. however, I also knew teamwork can even make the most bored things fun!

after I told them all to put some old clothes on, they really started cleaning together with me. we worked together, even in their own rooms. we even managed to somehow get the blood stains, old and new ones, from Toga's rug. the three of them needed some time to warm up, but in the end I could see that they also enjoyed the team activity.

I couldn't help myself but hum a melody while trying to sweep some spider webs from the corner of Mr. Compress' room. I secretly activated my brothers quirk again, so the others would also have some benefits from my singing.

soon after, I heard Twice join in my melody.

"ahh Ava has such a pretty voice! it makes me feel all bubbly and happy insides", he giggled, before throwing himself on Compress' bed.

"hey get off of it!", said man growled, pushing Twice off his bed with a mop in hands.

"is that your quirk?", Toga asked me, lending me a hand so I could step off the table I was standing on. I wasn't big enough to reach the ceiling just like that.

"it's a part of it", I chuckled shortly, giving her only a vague answer.

after we finished their rooms, I also asked Spinner if he needed some cleaning, but he sent me away. he still hasn't opened up to me.

I was scared of Kurogiri and didn't know about Dabi so I didn't want to touch their belongings.

only one left was Shigaraki's office then. I wondered if he slept inside there as well anyways.

I tried to push the door open and to my surprise it was unlocked. I walked insides, a bucket of water in one hand and a mop in the other. the room didn't look as bad as I expected it to be. there was a big desk in the middle, covered in notes and what do I know. some books where lying around. he even had a little couch stand in the corner. one of the countless hands he usually carried on his body was lying there.

I cringed at the sight.

nevertheless, I started cleaning quite quickly, being done earlier than expected. maybe he'd calm down a bit when he noticed what I had done. I didn't want Shigaraki to like me, but I also didn't need him being rude and hurting me any more times. I already felt strange enough since I got here without him.

when packing my stuff I noticed there were some colorful books between the endless paper as well. I pushed the notes off before picking up the first one on the stack.

"super hero comics?", I chuckled out loud.

well a little kid was inside everyone of us...

my gaze trailed over the whole table. I should also clean that up...

Shigaraki POV

I left at sunset and arrived again the next day at sunset.

I shouldn't even be here but I had to pack some things before meeting up with one of the yakuza. I should be out there finding that dark energy and deal with it!

I rushed inside my office, picking up the hand I left on the couch while heading to my desk. I didn't notice the room had been cleaned until I was standing there.

first thing I did was take a deep breath.

yeah, my skin didn't start itching - someone must have cleaned the dust from the shelfs.

I quickly looked for some folders, asking myself if Kurogiri wanted to apologize for going rogue on me, but then I spotted a plate with a chocolate cake and a manga lying next to it.

I stopped for a moment, removing Father from my face.

somehow it annoyed me that Ava was the one cleaning my room, even if it meant I could breath freely inside here for about half a day.

she is too sweet to be here, I thought. the cake and manga were making me hesitate. I could sit down now, eat the cake and read a bit. this was like an inaudible invitation to rest for a second and oh god how much I needed that right now, but I shouldn't and one girl wouldn't change that!

I picked up the manga, throwing it onto the stack with the others, grabbed the cake and ate it while already leaving.

for fuck's sake, Ava Altair won't make me rest.

𝙢𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 || shigaraki tomuraUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum