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league of villains hq

Shigaraki POV

I was nervously tapping my fingers against the wooden table of my office. why am I so restless?

because getting an application for an alliance was actually a really big thing?

because I wanted to cheer Ava up so badly, after she went out of her way to look after me?


when walking through the corridor I stole a glance at the blondes' face. the light was better than in her room, making me notice her still red and puffy eyes. for a moment, I considered talking to her about it, asking if everything was alright. but who knows if Ava even wants me to know about her break down.

the mails will hopefully cheer her up anyways.

once Ava sat down in one of the chairs in my office, I pointed the printed out versions of the mails in front of her face. she stared at them in confusion before gently taking them into her hands. my eyes were focused on the small blonde only, while I lazily leaned against the edge of the table, arms crossed in front of my chest.

her emeralds were beaming over the pieces of paper, reading every line with precaution. just like me, she re-read every mail at least two times before carefully placing them in her lap.

my victorious smile was hidden behind the hand on my face.

whatever her struggle was, this will cheer her up for sure!

I am not a bad leader - right?

I can take care of my members!

now we are even!

sudden sniffles caught me off guard.

I've been daydreaming about my victory over Compress. how I'll be the one cheering up Ava and not him.

I didn't notice she started crying again.

every tear hit the mails with a little thud. the pieces of paper were still lying in Ava's lap. her delicate fingers carefully wiped her teardrops from her cheeks, almost in a calm manner. Ava wasn't crying uncontrollably, she just sniffed a little, a few stray tears escaping her shiny green eyes.

I was speechless.

why would she cry?

why is she sad?

I thought the mails would cheer her up.

what did I do wrong this time?

my chest tightened.

I assumed everything would be fine if I showed Ava those applications, but I was too confident in myself to see that this maybe wasn't the news she was looking for. should I attempt to cheer her up another way? but how?

what can someone like me do to cheer a tender girl like Ava up?

I don't know how to express this feeling I have... my care for her.

I attempted to voice a coherent sentence, but it took me a few tries until I stuttered a „what's wrong?"

once I had hesistatingly voiced my question, Ava's glance shot up to meet mine. despite her crying, the pretty girl didn't look as sad as I had expected.

her green eyes were sparkling almost.

adding up to my confusion, she placed the mails back on my table before flashing me a tiny smile. Ava was still wiping her cheeks with the back of her hand, but I recognized that genuine grin on her lips.

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