your first rival appeared

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𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚕 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚍

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"why are you here?", Dabi mumbled, a wave of pain washing over his face. we had no healer nor could we just get him to a hospital, so we tried to clean his wounds and stitched them up, hoping the bullets didn't hit anything important. Kurogiri was suprisingly good at this medical stuff, so I trusted him with that.

afterwards, we put Dabi in his bed, letting him sleep it out, but I still wanted to check on him once he woke up. it felt like the right thing to do.

"I wanted to see my sleeping beauty", I joked, easing the tension a bit. his icy gaze trailed over to meet mine that moment, before he sighed annoyed.

„don't you like when I look after you, hot stuff?", I added more fuel to the fire.

well at least he was as grumpy as always.

"how are you feeling?"

he shifted a bit at that. "I feel like someone hit me.. with a bus", he confessed, knowing bad well that I saw exactly how he got shot. luckily, the bullet only hit his arm, while the other went through his leg. no organs were harmed.

"we should have asked Twice for doubles", I groaned more to myself than Dabi, but said man shook his head as reply.

"Twice needed his doubles to support Spinner and Toga. it's alright... even if I got some scratches", he reassured me. he knew by now that I would beat myself up because I couldn't help him that moment, that's why he said that.

Dabi groaned softly again when shifting positions. I could tell he felt uncomfortable due to the pain.

who wouldn't if you got shot two times?

"may I?", I asked, lifting my hand, which was already glowing in a soft red. he watched me sceptical, his eyebrow twitching for a moment, before he gave in. his pain must have been so big, he didn't even try to pick up a fight.

I carefully placed my hand on his chest, feeling for myself how the emotions of my heartbeat went through his entire body and soul.

he gasped, softly, before he leaned back into the pillow. his whole body relaxed under the effects of my late brother's quirk. I took the pain away and replaced it with warmth and happiness.

Dabi closed his eyes and involuntarily hummed.

this power really could make miracles happen.

his muscles relaxed, he was at complete ease just by my mere touch.

as I was watching him like that, I thought back to my brother and family. how many people he could have treated if he was still alive. his quirk was perfect for situations like this.

a sudden sadness washed through me.

I missed them.

I was still young when they died. having their souls accompany me, didn't make it that bad. however, I couldn't talk to them or ask them for advice. sometimes they acted on their own. it made me remember that they aren't solely under my control. they were still alive in some way. sometimes

I would just prefer my real family to stand by my side.

"what's with this sudden sadness?", Dabi's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

shit... he could still feel my emotions. he must have felt my sorrow for a split second.

"I thought of my family", I decided not to lie to him. it wouldn't make a change anyways.

he slowly sat up again in order to talk to me properly. "do you miss them?", he suddenly asked.

I simply nodded as an answer. his blue eyes met mine for a bit longer than I would have expected. I could see how he was thinking about something himself until he spoke up again.

„you are not the only one missing their family inside this place."

a chuckle escaped his mouth, it sounded quite sad tho.

"but honestly speaking... I think you already made yourself a new family here", he added, catching my whole attention.

somehow his words just hit me at the right spot. he knew that, that's why he flashed a grin at me.

„stop being so oblivious! I thought you were smarter! just think of Toga and Twice wanting to pull an all-nighter with you.. or Compress showing you a new magic trick. I know Spinner still acts distant, but he just rarely shows when he likes someone."

I laughed heartily.

„for a cold person, you just said many sweet things!"

he still was right with some things: I had lots of fun this passed month. in addition to the missions with Dabi, I bonded quite a lot with the others as well. even Kurogiri wasn't that scary to me anymore, after spending a night chatting with him in the kitchen with some selfmade cookies.

"your fucking quirk just made a wimp out of me! don't you ever dare using it on me again or I'll roast you until only your ashes remain!", he defended himself, lifting his hands up in front of his chest. I rolled my eyes at him, still saying a silent thank you inside of my head.

thinking about my time here also made me remember where I had lived before I joined the league.

PresentMic always looked out for me, since I could remember. he knew what had happened to me and kinda put me under his wings.

the pro heroes involved in the whole drama obviously also knew about it. despite having lost so much they made it possible for me to grow up just like any other student.

my time at UA high school wasn't any different. I made good friends, learned how to use my quirk in the best way possible and grew internally.

I've been waiting to finally graduate and become a real hero and once the day had come I was more than happy. I just knew my real family also would have been proud of me. however, my new family also showered me with love. I didn't lack anything.

then it hit me.

I had already found my new family within the heroes.

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