level six

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𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕 𝚜𝚒𝚡



once the sun had set it became harder to spot the gigantic monster rising from the ocean. the surface of the sea had turned black by now, making it impossible for us to separate the octopus monster from the water. compared to the unknown being from the ocean, Gigantomachia seemed like an easy opponent.

the problem was simply that we couldn't touch the tentacles. if we did they would burn our skin like acid - at least it appeared like that when Midoryia lost his red shoes.

how do you fight someone you can't touch?

quirks that work on a psychic level are great, but up until now it doesn't look like we could just brainwash this beast into following our orders.

I'm not even sure if this thing has a head!

the tentacles literally all looked the same and everytime Shoto froze one of them another popped up from beneath the ocean's surface.

I thought the cold weather weakened it!

why is his ice not showing any effects on it??

„I'm glad you are back where you belong", Shoto's voice reached me just as I dodged one of said tentacles. they were even faster than last time when Shigaraki and I had accidentally summoned them.

the beast got even stronger while going into hibernation! now that it was wide awake it appeared to be an even bigger threat to the city of nagoya than expected and there was no escape route out of this.

„I'm also glad to see you again!", I replied once I finally felt the ground underneath my feet. although we were in a dangerous situation, the unexpected friendship between me and Shoto Todoroki gave me a little hope. Shoto still thought I was brainwashed and therefore held at the league against my own will. I thought he'd deserve to know the truth about what's going on and why I decided to stay, especially because he was such an aspiring hero, but right now wasn't the moment to preach to him about the inequality that is our social system.

for him and for the entirety of nagoya - we need to stop this monster!

the faces of countless citizens running from the tentacles were still haunting me like ghosts. when it first appeared, the beast managed to attack a few civilians and hurt them in the process. I don't even want to know how many humans it swallow, who were just passing by as it was still in a deep sleep.

Hizashi was on his way to get the civilians out of the danger zone right now, before he'll try to help Cementoss and the other pro heroes that showed up after hearing about the tragedy on tv.

I think I've seen Kamui Woods and Mt. Lady already, so Edgeshot is probably not too far as well. every attack seemed to just dissolve in the monster's body, reminding me a lot of Kurogiri's black smoke just in liquid form.

if we can't touch the beast, we must try other ways to stop it from crawling up the beach and through downtown... it was probably able to swallow entire skyscrapers and all the people within if it just got close enough!

the other pros realized that as well and were trying to buy us some time and space, as well as protecting the city from any more damage.

however, it didn't look all too good on our part.

since Shigaraki had led Aizawa away from the beach, the tentacle monster had climbed the sandy part of the coast and started attacking us by using the stones of the more rocky area.

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