level seven

241 19 36

𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕 𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗



I'm pretty sure my hand is falling off after this odyssey of a fight...

I was trying to ignore the aching pain in my palm as I rushed towards the beach. it felt as if my skin was dissolving as a result of parts of my soul being destroyed. the more I stared at my fingertips the more translucent they appeared to me.

I'll end up as a body without a soul... but apparently that is impossible. a body without a soul is unable to sustain itself. that's why corpses begin to wither. if a soul leaves a body it becomes less durable and dissolves just at the slightest touch. the cold winter breeze is enough for my skin to crumble.

I need to stop worrying about myself.

right now was not the time to be stuck in my own misery. a million people were relying on us heroes to save them from these dark tentacles reaching high up in the air. the longer the core stayed above the surface the bigger it grew. soon it would be tall enough to hide the moon behind it's gel-like body.

we needed to catch it before it reaches the city and starts tearing apart buildings and everyone within!

especially now, as I was nearing the dark matter, I could feel all the souls of the people hiding in fear from the monster behind my back. while everyone was rushing away from the dangerous area, it's always us who swim against the tide. the heroes are the ones volunteeringly jumping into the next dangerous situation. even if fame, money and the knowledge of saving other peoples' lives seem like fair compensation, working as a pro hero is still an unrewarding job.

it's dangerous... being a hero demands a high price not just of you but of your family and friends as well. and still, we aren't invincible. we are no gods, even if some fans treat us like superhuman beings. we make mistakes, just like anybody else. the only difference is that we are not allowed to let it get to us.

after all, it's what heroes do.

I thought so at least but I was proven wrong in barely no time.

Cementoss had found himself a good spot close enough to reach the ocean with the amount of cement he had to his avail but far enough to not get hurt by any of the monster's attacks. Kamui and Mt. Lady joined him as support and protection, while the other pro heroes still tried to manage the mass panic that didn't seem to stop anytime soon for the love of god.

a familiar purple glow appeared next to me as I was making my way back to the beach.

„your hand, Avi! you need to get it treated somewhere!" Castor's worried voice caught my attention and I slowed down my walk. my eyes took in the translucent body of my ghost brother, still not entirely comprehending that he was able to talk to me all of a sudden.

„yours also look the same!", I shot back, noticing how his arms from his elbows downwards weren't even showing up clearly anymore. Cas made an annoyed face at my comeback, but still didn't give up yet.

„the dark energy will just keep eating away your soul. if you don't do something about it, you won't be able to restore it anymore! it's already dangerous enough without you being injured!"

I stopped my walk, angered by my brother's words.

„and if I don't do anything against the monster, there will be a lot more people with their souls being eaten by a gigantic fog-octopus! ...I really don't want to argue about this now!"

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