Chapter 23

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After practice, Diamond and Kelsey got there things together as they talked.

"So, do you need me to take you home?", Diamond asked.

"No. I actually stay on campus", Kelsey said.

"Oh okay", Diamond said.

"But thank you", Kelsey said.

Diamond and Kelsey began to walk as they left the locker room.

"So, how do you know my brother?", Kelsey asked.

"Um I met him a few months ago at the mall", Diamond said.

"Oh", Kelsey said. " must really be the girl he was talking about"

"Huh?", Diamond asked.

"Well.. Brian asked me if I knew you", Kelsey said. "But I thought you and Kendrick dated so I suspected he was taking about somebody else"

"Well...actually when I met Brian. Me and Kendrick broke up but me and Brian were talking on that type of level. It was more so friendly", Diamond said.

"So you and Kendrick are still broken up?", Kelsey asked.

"No. We're back together", she said.

"That's good", Kelsey said.

Diamond nods.

"But I'll see you tomorrow night", she said.

"Okay", Diamond said.

Diamond and Kelsey went separate ways.

Diamond got to her car and unlocked the door using the button on her key remote. She got in the car but before she shut the door she heard her name being called.

She looked out the door and it was Dante.

Dante walks up closer.

"Hey, I know I never told you this because you were always with Kendrick when I see you and I didn't wanna bring it up but I'm sorry about kissing you like that and almost messing up your friendship", Diamond said.

"It's okay, believe me ", Dante said.

"But what's up?", Diamond asked.

"Iight so my birthday coming up and I'm throwing a party and I need your help with something", he said.

"What?", she asked.

"Bring your friend", he said.

"What friend?", she asked.

"Kelly", he said.

"I'm sorry Dante but I'm pretty sure you're not her type", Diamond said.

"Come on na", he said. "You owe me, for putting me in the middle of you and Kendrick shit"

"Fine", she said. "I'll tell her to come"

"Thanks", he said as he rubbed his hands together.

"Might wanna stop doing that. Your hands so rough it might catch on fire", she said .

"So hilarious", he said.

Diamond smiles and shuts the door.


Kendrick put Javonte down in his crib because he was sleep. He walked out of his room and called Diamond but didn't get an answer.

He shook his head and called Dante.

"What's up", Dante answered.

"Nothing much. Just getting the hang of this whole dad thing", Kendrick said sitting down. "You on campus?"

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