A little talk

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Hey babies,

I was reading through the comments of my last chapter, and I want you to know that if you ever need anyone to talk to, I am here for you.

Please don't be afraid to come to me with your problems, I may not always know what to say, but I will listen xx

You are all worth a million and more, and no one can tell you otherwise.

You are perfect and unique, and you are beautiful in all your flaws (not unless your flaw is killing someone... don't do that, or even think of doing that)

The world is shit at the moment, we can all agree on that. But you have to make the best out of the situation XX

I have a mission for you all: write one thing you like about yourself and one thing you like about the world down each day.

Please, do it for me 🥺🥺

I know I just said the world is shit, but it isn't all shit, so here look, I'll start:

I like my eyes,
I like the view from my bedroom window

Now you try!!

Reply here with your first day, and then do it yourself 😊

It may seem stupid, but I want you all to know that even in the darkest of days, there is always light and beauty.

Sometimes that light is an actual light, but sometimes, that light is you xx

I want you all to know that you don't need to impress anyone other than yourself, that at the end of the day, when everyone is gone, it's just you.

And you are perfectly imperfect, and you are inspiring.

I love you all, I hope this helps.

Please message me if it gets hard or if you just want to talk.

My Instagram is: Chenlesleftearmole

Love you xxx

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