Drive In

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Lexi's POV

HR: good morning! i had a really nice time last night. i was wondering if you'd like to go to the drive in tonight.

I woke up to that text and my stomach literally started doing front flips.

AT: hey, so did i. i would absolutely love to, just have to ask my moms and i'll let you know :)

I go downstairs and start making a parfait.

"You're happy," Toni says

"I am," I say grabbing more fruit

"So I'm guessing last night went well?"

"Very well, except for one thing,"


"Tony, Antonio, and Louis," I sigh "they embarrassed me,"

"Awe you're talking about me," TJ says coming in

"What did you do?" mom asks him

"Stepped in right in time before they started making out in Pops,"

"That's my boy," she says high fiing him

"Don't encourage, please,"

Cheryl comes in and i laugh

"My favourite mother, finally," I say "tell them to stop,"

"What are they doing?"

"Moms praising TJ for trying to ruin my date,"

"Tony Reginald,"

"It was Aj's idea," he defends

"Of course it was," She sighs "Tones, please don't,"

"Only for you,"

They laugh and I sit next to Toni.

"So, spill. How'd it go besides the hooligans?" Cheryl says hugging Toni from behind "was it fun?"

"One of the best nights I've ever had," I admit "he's an amazing guy,"

"Did you guys kiss?" TJ teases

I blush and eat some of my yogurt.

"YOU DID?" Cheryl says happily

"We did," I say a little embarrassed

They stop asking questions and I finish breakfast.

"Moms, Hudson asked if I wanted to go to the drive in tonight," I say "am I allowed to go?"

"Of course Lexi," Toni says

"Thank you,"

"LEXI!!" KC and Mia say running in

"Hey girls,"

"How was your date?" KC asks

"It was good," I laugh "Hudson is a great guy,"

"Do you have a second date?"


"Why are you two so interested?" Cheryl laughs

"Because we like Hudson, he's really nice," Mia laughs "and Lexi really likes him,"

"Mia, just because your smart doesn't mean you know everything," I laugh

"They call me a child prodigy for a reason Alexis,"

We all laugh and we hang out as a family until I start getting ready for my date.

I don't put any makeup on, but i put nice leggings and my favorite basketball sweater on.

I go downstairs just as he knocks on the door.

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