Record Breaker

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Hudson's POV

Camilla is starting to piss me off.

I'm not jealous, I swear okay?

But she's making Lexi uncomfortable and I doubt that's going to help Lexi play against Spain tonight.

She's also 2 touchdowns away from her moms record and she seems to think if she does she will be disowned.

I go down for breakfast and she texts that she'll be a few minutes I sit alone and go on my phone for a few minutes.

"Hey Hudson,"

"Hey Coach Topaz,"

"Can I sit?"

"Of course,"

"Wheres Lexi?"

"Not sure, probably waiting for AJ, LJ, and TJ," I sigh

"You can just call them the idiots- it's faster,"

I laugh and we talk for a second before I see cami looking at us.

"Everything okay?"

"Camilla seems to always be around," I sigh "Lexi says she's over her but I'm pretty sure she's not,"

"Camilla's here?"

"Lex didn't tell you?"

"I've barely seen her all week, just at games,"

"Cami likes to follow us and has been trashing me in the press a bunch,"


"Mrs. Topaz!" She says coming over

"How are you Cami?"

"I'm good you?"

"I'm okay, I didn't know you were here,"

"I'm cheering for team Spain,"

"I heard you and Hudson met though,"

"Oh.. ya, hey Hudson,"

"Hey," I say

"Where's Mrs. Topaz?"

"Probably still trying to change Mateo," Toni laughs

"Actually Toni, she's right over there- looks like she's talking to a reporter, I'll go grab Mateo,"

"Thanks Hudson,"

I nod and go over to see Cheryl.

"Hey Cheryl, I can take Mateo if you want,"

"Thanks Hudson, is T sitting with you?"

"Yes, because Lexi and TJ take forever to get ready,"

"Very true,"

I take Mateo and sit back down beside Toni.

"Lexi and Cheryl really bought a lot of clothes for him,"

"This is just the stuff I let Cheryl pack- wait until you see his American wardrobe," Toni laughs "you mind holding him? I just need to finish a few emails,"

"Ya I'm good, where'd cami go?"

"Who knows? She didn't like me too much,"

I laugh and play with Mateo until Lexi lifts him above my head.

"Good morning babe," she says kissing my cheek "the boys were taking forever,"

"I know I'm starving," i joke

"Let's go and get something, you didn't have to wait,"

"I wanted to,"

"Mama you want anything?" She asks

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