Football Practice

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Cheryls POV

TJ came home yesterday and Toni started her treatments last night.

"C you gotta grab me my phone," she moans trying to sit up

"Baby it's not a good idea to stress yourself out right now," I say

"I promise I'm not, I just have a call C," she pouts

"Fine, but I get to listen in,"

"Yes Dr. Topaz,"

I kiss her and hand her the phone.

"I need to go check on TJ okay?"

She nods and I go to TJ's room.

"Hey baby boy," I say turning on the dim light "I know your tired but you might wanna get up and eat something,"

"What time is it?" He groans


"I'm supposed to.."

"TJ you're not going back to school for a couple days okay? Don't rush it,"

"Can we at least go watch practice?" He asks

"Mom has a call and then after that we can okay? Take it slow getting up,"

He nods and I kiss his forehead

"Mom the doctors said I'm fine, you can stop looking at me like I'm going to die,"

"I know honey, but you could've. This was mom and I's worst nightmare," I say fixing his hair "you're always going to be our baby boy, and we almost lost you,"

He nods and I leave.

I go back into my room and Toni is talking.

"Reg.. oh hey babe," she says

"Hey Cheryl," Reggie says on the phone

"Hi Reginald, now why is calling you on top of Tonis to do list?"

"We have a staff meeting and your wife refuses to take time off,"

"Oh trust me I know," I laugh

She starts her staff meeting and it goes well

I think, I don't really know.

"Coach Topaz, how are you feeling?" A teacher asks

"Not great but it's only day 1 so it'll get better from here," T says

"When should we expect you and TJ back?" Reggie asks

"I think TJ's going back the day after tomorrow and I'll be back late next week hopefully,"

"We'll see you then T, rest up,"

She hangs up and I kiss her cheek.

"How's TJ?" She hums

"He's okay, just tired,"

TJ gets dressed and we walk/crutch down the street to practice.

"Why can't Mama come?"

"She's too tired honey," I sigh "it's only day 1 she'll get better,"

"Will she lose her hair?"

"Not at all, she might be tired for a few weeks but she should be healthy by next Wednesday,"

"Why did she leave last time?"

"Because there was no cure, and if this is left too long people get aggressive for no reason so she didn't wanna hurt you,"

He nods and sighs

"Why do I need these?" He asks looking at his crutches

"So you don't have much pressure on your stomach, you don't have to use them when you go back to school,"

We get to the fields and Reggie comes over.

"You practicing?" He jokes

TJ scoffs and looks at me

"Have you met my mother? I won't be practicing until after I graduate,"

"Don't be so dramatic," I laugh "go talk to your friends,"

He nods and crutches over to his friends.

"How's T?"

"She'll be okay, you guys are coming over for dinner right?"

"Ya Liz said something about that,"

"TJ just wanted to come watch,"

"No problem, anything he can do he's allowed,"

"He can't do anything," I sigh "not for a while yet,"

He nods and we talk for a couple minutes before he starts the practice.


"Yes TJ?"

"Where's the guy who shot me?"

"He's in jail honey,"


"Yes, little to his knowledge Mama and I have a lot of pull,"

"A lot of people like me don't have that pull though," he shrugs "it just gets pushed under the bridge,"

"Sweetheart, I don't want you worrying about this okay? Mama works hard everyday to help this and to... try and make it better,"

"Don't you?"

"Yes I do, but she does a lot more,"

He nods and shrugs

"I didn't mean to do anything wrong,"

"Tony you did nothing wrong okay? I've seen the tapes, you reached for your id," I say rubbing his back "you did everything you could've,"

He shrugs and sighs

"It's scary,"

"I know honey, I know it is,"

A/N: sorry for the long wait, but I didn't want to be disrespectful. i started this storyline prior to the events currently happening. I'm sorry to all those affected and you will be in my prayers. Let me know if I should not continue this storyline, I don't want to trigger anyone or portray it in an untrue way. I cannot even begin to understand what actually happens as I am white and not American.

That being said I fully support the black lives matter movement and try and help however possible.

Love you all


No justice, no peace

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