Double Final

316 14 1

Lexis pov

Today's the finals!

Both Riverdale Football and Riverdale Basketball made it.

Since the games are staggered, Hudson could only watch the first half of my game and I'll be there for the second half of his.

5 plays left and we're up by 12 points, as long as we get the gist down we'll be good.

I throw TJ short right and he gets the down

That's when someone high tackles me


I fall and stay down.

My shoulder is definitely dislocated.

There's a fight around me and someone step on my hand and definitely breaks it.

I scream and tears start rolling down my cheek.

Everything dies down and my mom finally gets out.

"Lexi, what hurts?"

"My shoulder, and my hand," I say

She looks at my shoulder and sighs.

"Baby I think it's dislocated," she sighs "MANTLE I NEED A MEDIC,"

"Mama I want to play,"

"Baby we already won okay? You need to rest for Globes,"

I nod and try to move my fingers

Thank god it's not my throwing hand.

Cheryl gets down here and kneels beside me.

"How's your head?"

"I didn't hit it," I say "just my shoulder and someone stepped on my other hand,"

They get the medics and me onto a stretcher.

They have x-ray machines on site so they help my equipment off and they scan my arm and my shoulder.

"So Alexis, you have a grade 3 shoulder separation," the doctor says "And your right wrist has a couple fractures, but it's not too bad,"

They give me a sling and cast my wrist up.

"Mama can we go watch the basketball game?" I ask

"Of course Sweetie, the boys are already there,"

Its kinda weird. One hand in a cast and the other in a sling.

They gave me pain killers so it's not bad right now pain wise.

"What happened to the kid that hit me?"

"He was kicked out," Toni says "facing a hearing next week, since they also found a knife in his bag with blood on it,"

"I was right?"

"Yes you were baby," she sighs "c'mon, lets go to the game,"

We walk across the street and I see TJ and AJ with a seat next to them.

"May I sit?"

"Of course," TJ says "How's your arm,"

"They're alright," I sigh "I'll be back for globes,"

"Both arms?" LJ asks

"Separated shoulder and fractured wrist,"

"I think Hudson's been looking in the stands for you,"

"Probably for his parents, I was supposed to meet them at half time, but I don't know where they are,"

"he's been looking at us," AJ sighs "he was worried,"

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