Chapter 37

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Camila's POV

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Camila's POV

"You're so cute" i squash Lilly's chubby cheeks together, her blonde little curls are beginning to grow. She's going to have beautiful natural curly hair just like her brother.

She giggles showing her little two teeth at the bottom, her blue eyes and long eyelashes flicker as she giggles at my ugly facial expressions.

"Do you think you and Ace will ever adopt?" Hannah says behind me sitting on the couch with her feet up curled to the side of her.

I look at her, sitting on the floor with Lilly in front of me as we played with her toys at Lillians, I shrug and look back to Lilly who has a pink rattle in her hand she shoves it into her mouth, "Maybe but...I want the full experience, you know?"

"Yeah I know, but you'll still get the experience of being a mother even if you don't give birth that child would still be yours"

I nod in understanding, I get it but I've always wanted to have the feeling of a first kick and be absolutely terrified to give birth but excited at the same time. I'd love for that but...we'll see, Ace said a miracle could happen.

Lillian walks into the living room placing the fresh cookies we made onto the table, "They are still warm" Hannah picks up one and takes a bite.

"These are good" she licks her lips getting rid of the crumbs.

Lillian sits on the couch beside Hannah and looks over to a sleeping Henry on the single couch, his curly blonde hair covering his eye "You not having one?" Lillian gestures to the cookies on the coffee table.

"No thanks, I'm full" I smile and look back to Lilly.

A loud knock sounds the door and Brad shouts running from the kitchen past the living room archway, "I've got it"

I keep my attention on Lilly trying to get her to copy me and clap her hands, she's more interested in the toy in front of her and wanting to chew it.

"Ma.." Brad shouts on Lillian and she stands up walking out the living room with a huff and a shake of the head.

"Well, where the fuck is he!?" I hear Brad raise his voice.

I look at Hannah and her eyebrows move together in confusion, Lillians soft sobs are heard and George walks by, "What's going on?" He says.

I stand up and so does Hannah picking up Lilly, when I step out the archway my eyes snap towards the two men in dress blues. I feel my heart stop as George hugs Lillian comforting her.

"I'm going to look for him!" Brad angrily says.

"Unfortunately we can't allow you to do that, we still have two unidentified bodies and we're unsure if one is Ace, we'll be searching for him and we promise we will find him if he isn't one of them two bodies. Stay home with your family Mr. Cambers"

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