Chapter 59

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Camila's POV

It's been a week since my fight with Skye and I have no regrets about it, she disrespected myself and my family to my face thinking she's better than us. Lillian is watching Henry and Lilly while George and Hannah are on their honeymoon in Greece.

I had a talk with Hannah about keeping her mouth shut and not telling Skye anything about my life, she apologised and said she wouldn't do it ever again and as for Brad and Rebecca, he broke up with her and shrugged it off. He said he doesn't like being lied to and said he's given up on relationships but the right girl will come along I just know it.

As I walk through the door back from work Roxie comes padding through and barks, I scratch her favourite spot and shower her with kisses before I go to the bathroom and have a nice relaxing bath.

The roasting hot water immediately relaxes me along with the lavender bath salts, I lay back closing my eyes wishing it was April and I'm laying on the beach with a mock-tail, only a few weeks and we'll be sunbathing and enjoying each others company and peace.

"Hi baby" I hear the bathroom door creak open, he sits on the toilet seat and looks my way.

"Hi, I didn't know you were back" I sit up and lean against the tub, placing my arms up on the sides and resting my chin down.

"Just got back" he smiles.

His forehead sweaty as he pulls off his cap revealing his messy hair. He begins to strip off his clothes before getting in and sitting across from me.

"How was work?" He asks, I can tell he's beginning to relax from a long working day.

I shrug, "Same old and you?"

"Andrew and I had a good laugh so it was good" he chuckles and picks my foot up beginning to massage it.

I lean back and smile closing my eyes as he works wonders on my foot.

"You look beautiful" he tells me and I open one eye with a small smile.

"Thank you"

"I can't believe how busy we've both been this past week" he sighs.

"I know, I'm tired and need my vacation" I let out a small short giggle.

"Do you realise that we haven't had sex in a week" he says like it's unbelievable.

"That's what happens when were both tired" we come home from work, eat late dinner and watch an episode of That 70s show before we go to sleep. Its basically all we've done this week and the very first time of watching that 70s show which we both enjoy.

"I'm not tired today"

"I am..." I pout, "and I'm hungry"

"I've got it..." he says like he has an idea.

"An hour of passion and then we order Chinese food and eat it in bed"

"Thirty minutes of passion?" I haggle.

"Deal, that's like what...three rounds" he jests, I think I'm too tired for three.

I giggle and roll my eyes, "So, yeah?" He says eager, "I still haven't used my 'things' on you yet"

"Fine, but I want loads of food"

"Damn, it's like we're married already" he laughs.

I chuckle and stand up in the bathtub, "Now?" He smirks standing up.


He steps out wrapping a towel around his waist and hands me the other as I pull the plug in the tub. I step out wrapping the towel around me.

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