Chapter 5 : What Is Going On?

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[Jane's P.O.V.]

"Home at last." I murmured as I entered my house. 

I went to my room and changed my boy disguise into my normal clothes. I am so busy these days. I go to school in the morning and be some kind of part time guard for EXO in the afternoon until night. Honestly, it's exhausting.

But then, it was my choice anyway. 

I can still recall the moments when I had to go undercover and all when I was only 12, making the best of my young agent days. But then, fate has decided to take a turn and I had to go through some hard changes.

Some days were dark, and some days were darker than ever. 

I shook my head a few times and reached for EXO's files. The twelve black files labeled with each one of their names are now in my attention. 

"Suho, Suho, Suho." I repeated as my hand turned the pages Of his file. Suho was once attacked in public for protecting the other members. There was even a picture of the scene. A girl with a mask was hitting Suho's back with a bottle. I stared at the picture for a while and noticed a boy wearing the same mask with the attacker. It was a black mask that covers the eyes and the nose, leaving only their eyes to be seen. 

Then, I reached for the another file. Wu Yi Fan (KRIS), it read. I opened it and I saw another picture. It was Kris, he tripped and fall down on the floor. Somehow, I managed to give out a small chuckle before clearing my throat to stop laughing. Not such a right timing for that. 

When I was about to reach for another file, my eyes caught a glimpse of a figure in the picture. Someone wearing a black mask. A black mask- weird. 

I shrugged my shoulders and started to check all of their files, making sure I check every picture of every attack. And suspiciously, the same masked figure was there in every picture taken. 

This is really getting weirder. 

"Chanyeol, lets see." I opened his file, checking through his files with my eyebrows up. He doesn't have any record of any major attacks yet. Just minor fan attacks but his record is pretty clean. Well, no wonder he's the happiness of the group. With a sigh I replaced the files together. 

Just then, I heard the sound of something falling to the floor. I looked down and spotted one of those files. I picked it up and read the label. Do Kyung Soo (D.O). Haven't checked on his, yet. My fingers quickly turned the pages and a frown started to appear on my forehead. Something feels weird. Definitely weird. 

Maybe they- no way. 

I quickly re-opened the other files, my mind starting to work on its own; figuring out all the small pieces. After a few minutes searching through them, I finally figured out something. I'm not sure if it's something to be put first for now, but what I know that I need to be more aware of them now. 

Their job has not finished, yet.  



Shocked. I totally freaked out when Tae Joo shouted in my ear. I turned to him. How dare that dork!

"Ya, neo waegeurae?!" I rubbed my ears. 

He shook his head and stared blankly at me. "You're really something, Jane. Miss Cheon wants to see you now in the music room!"

"Jinjja?" I cried out. "Why didn't you say so earlier?"

He seemed to be annoyed by now. "Seriously, I have been telling you for almost 5 minutes but all you do is day dreaming!"

I couldn't help but to blush. "Sorry?"

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