Author's Last Note

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Hey there, I'm Emerald the author for Protect Our Love that ended with 49 chapters.

I just what to say thank you for the people that read this fanfict from the start. Kamsahamnida!

Also to my new friends that commented and voted for my story. I will always appreciate it!

Not to forget my first friend on Wattpad, that helped me to promote this fanfict even though she hardly even knows me back then. Thank you very much, @xoxo_annie_exo

Okay, now you all know the happy ending of Protect Our Love, geuchi? So, now... I'm going to promote my new fanfict, The Fanfict Of A Fairytale. Weird title, huh? And you're probably wondering what the heck is this fanfict is about.

That's why I'm going to explain it to you.

The synopsis of the story :

Twelve girls go to the same school. Different ages, personality, dreams, idols and even secrets. They have their own dreams to achieve and each one of them have their own parts of the story. Then, there are twelve boys. You know them as EXO, but in this fanfic, they're just popular high school boys. One day, something weird yet magical happened to these twelve girls and twelve boys. They got trapped in a world they don't even know exists! The world where they only heard about, but they never expected to get trapped in different fairy tale stories! To get out, they need to replace the main characters and finsh the story. Will they suceed? And, will they change throughout the story?

Please, give it a read!

Haha, I know. Me and my crazy imaginations, huh? Okay, for everyone's information, this is an open request fanfic and the girls will be you! So far, Kai, Luhan, Baekhyun, Sehun and Suho have already been requested.  Well, I'm not really sure about Sehun and Suho, so I'll still open requests for them. Anyone who's interested in this, please message me. I'll wait with open arms~ yehet!

Okay, that's all for my last note on Protect Our Love. Hey, what about a sequeal? Bwahh -,- Kidding! I'm so worn out of making agent plots so I'm focusing on my new fanfict. Once again, kamsahamnida for reading my first ever fanfict and I hope you can keep supporting me.

Gomawo, geurigu annyeong !





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Protect Our LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon