Chapter 20 : Wall Of Memories

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Suho's P.O.V.

"Yedeul-ah!!! What are you all doing?" My jaws dropped as I saw the wall. It was colorful and bright. Wow it really cheers up the mood in here. Then my eyes fall on the boys. They were playing with paint.

What in the world?

"Mwo haneungeoyaaaa?" I gasped. They were playing around and they all looked like a big pile of mess!

I felt someone tapping me in the shoulder. I looked behind and saw Kris smiling. The tall guys was smiling? What is he so happy about?

"Suho, it's been a long time since we had some mess in the dorm. How about we join them?" He suggested, his eyes totally glued to the boys. I sighed, confused and bewilderd. "Are you serious?"

"Definitely, dude. You need a break from being a leader, Suho! Let's have fun!" He dragged me towards them. I hesistated but he insisted.

Well, maybe I should have a little fun once in a while.

I saw Kai and Sehun pressing their hands against the wall, Tao busy taking their pictures with the big idiot Chanyeol. I don't have a suitable expression for his face for it was covered with paint.

Sometimes, I feel like I'm raising 5 year olds.

Then I spotted D.O and Jack.

D.O was trying to paint Jack's face but Jack keeps tickling him, he doesn't even have a chance. Squishy Kyung Soo as we call him. They're having quite of a good time.

After checking them out, I decided to paint the wall with Kris. There weren't that much paint options so Kris mixed red and blue while I mixed yellow and red. Hah, we were painting the wall with the color orange and purple. Like true artists, as Kris quotes.

We did the same thing the others have done by pressing our palms on the wall. EXO-K's leader and EXO-M's leader together, making such a great combination. I screamed when Kris suddenly painted my hand instead of the wall. "Yaa, mwoya?"

"Ha, ha, ha!!" That tall guy was laughing like he was nuts. Ask me and I would label him as a sick walrus trying to sneeze. GEEZ.

Not long after that, Chanyeol and Tao came over to us.

"Suho hyung! Your hand is purple!" Tao laughed and pulled me into a hug. His chin was green and he dares to laugh at my purple hands?

"Yah, lets take selfies!" We made cute and funny poses and played with the paint. Little did I expect that everything would become this colorful. Such a rare sight.

When we were busy taking selfies, I spotted a member sighing himself on the sofa. I didn't noticed him before. Jakaman, it looks like Luhan hyung. Since when was he there? He looked so upset about something. Sighing and all. I wanted to ask him to join but got carried away by Chanyeol that was painting my other hand blue!

Geez, kids. Stop driving your mom crazy.

My curiosity disappeared as I enjoyed myself with them. Painting the wall with fun memories.

What a memory indeed.


XiuMin's P.O.V.

I was hanging out with Chen in my room. We heard the noise outside but we didn't bother to check on them. But after a while, I got bored in the room and decided to go join them with whatever they're doing.

"Chen, let's join the others."

Chen thought for a while before nodding. "Ne. I'll go and call Baekhyun. He's probably too bored he fell asleep. I should probably paint some mascara on his face."

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