Chapter 19 : Do You Like Him?

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Luhan's P.O.V.

"D.O!!" I quickly sat down beside D.O. He was sitting alone in his room, plugging his earphones and singing 'Tell Me What Is Love'.

He looked at me and smiled. "Luhan hyung."

"Wow, you were singing like you really want to know what is love." I remarked and that was when my mind stopped thinking for a while. Love?

"Hyung?" He waved his hand in front of my face and I shooked my head several times. Jack's face was filling my mind. "Uh, oh?"

"Gwaenchana, hyung?" I smiled faintly.

"D.O yah, I want to ask." He nodded with a smile. "Do you like Jack?"

His heart shaped smile fainted as his eyes widen. I tried to keep calm even thought I could tell he was speechless. Why? Is it true? He likes Jack, too?

"Why are you asking me that?" He looked away from me.

"You look like you like him. And the both of you looked like you're..." I held my breath. "A couple."


D.O's P.O.V.


Luhan is asking me a question I definitely couldn't answer. Do I like him? Yeah, I like him.


Just then, Kai entered the room. Indirectly saving me. "Hyung!!" Then he stopped when he spotted Luhan. "Luhan hyung, you're here too? And what's with the tense faces?"

I smiled to him. "Aniya." I stood up in a hurry. "Hyung, I'm going out for a while."

"Where are you going?" He asked, quite confused with my sudden action. "For a walk, just around the building."

"Geundae D.O, you haven't answered my..."

"Annyong!" I left the room, plugging my earphones so I would 't hear Luhan finishing his sentence.

I don't want to hurt you hyung, but I like her too.

I walked past Jane's room, which was wide open. Hey, where is Jane? I haven't seen her since we got home from the school. I continued to walk and entered the kitchen.

Then I spotted Chen and Suho. They were playing with their handphones. Suho noticed me and raised his head.

"D.O! Great thing you came here. We're cooking today but we're missing some ingredients."

I frowned. "And?"

"And we told Jack to buy them for us. Since we are not supposed to go out." Chen continued.

"Huh?" I gasped. They told Jack to go out? Oh, wait. He IS our guard so that doesn't seem too weird.

"Wae?" Suho asked.

"Aniya. I'm going out to take some fresh air."


"Hm. Just near the park." I answered. I just want to relex my mind a second at the park.

Suho nodded. "Arraseo, geundae, don't wander to far from the buidling okay? The new CEO is going to kill you if he knows!"

"Arraseo. I'll be back right before dinner." I said and left them two in the kitchen. The other members were in their own dorms, maybe sleeping or something like that. Everyone was exhausted from the rehearsel, including me.

But I need to get some memories out of my mind now. I sighed as I opened the door and stepped out.


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