Chapter 6 : A Real Twist

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[Third Person P.O.V.]

A girl can be seen running in the dark alleys, trying to run as fast as she could. In her hands were a sharp knife, its color has been covered by another color- red. The knife was dripping with red. 

The girl ran and stopped in front of an abandoned building.

After making sure no one was following her, she entered the building. She arrived inside a room, and was panting heavily. Her left hand quickly removed her black mask that covered her nose and mouth. The bloody knife was still in her other hand.

"Arghhh..." she groaned as she hold her stomach. It was still hurting after being attacked by the guard. Her face was a bit swollen as well. Shit him, she swore inside. 

"You're back."

 A voice boomed in the room. The room was dark because there was only one light source that is an old lamp. The girl raised her head to see a boy walking to her. He was wearing the same mask and his clothes were all black in color.

"M-Master." The girl recognized him, and gave him a bow.

"Did you kill him?" He asked while keeping his eyes on the bloody knife. The girl shook her head in disappointment.

"Not this time, master." She felt disgraced herself. "But I managed to hurt a guard." She smiled wickedly as she lifted up the stained knife. 

"Great job." Her master nodded. "He has to be more careful from now on, because the next time we strike," he smirked and took the knife from the girl. "He won't have a second chance."

"He's gonna pay. For everything he has done." The girl said, her tone was full with revenge. Hatred. 

Her master chuckled. "Yes, everything." 


[Jane's P.O.V.]

D.O was on the floor, and he wasn't anything near to a 'good' condition. The fans were being guarded as the security system jumped into action to catch the girl. Who the heck is she anyway? 

I managed to give her some of my moves before struggling with her on the ground. She was screaming at me and then I felt her body weakened. I stood back up, looking at her weak condition before turning around to ask if D.O was doing alright. 

But she was way faster than I thought. 

"Ahh-" I could feel my back stinging in pain, my body instantly felt numb, and the next thing I knew I was falling onto the floor. 


"I'll get going now. Don't tell her I came, arraseo?"

Who's that? I could hear someone talking.

I opened my eyes slowly, realizing that I'm lying on a bed. Then I noticed a figure beside me. I couldn't recognized the person because of my blurry vision. I narrowed my eyes.

"D-D.O?" I gasped. 

He looked at me and smiled. He was in hospital clothes, which made me figure out that he had been emitted to the hospital as well. 

"Are you alright?" I asked, trying to sit back up properly. But instead, I felt this strong stinging pain on my back. "Ahh!"

"Don't move." D.O said with a smile, and helped me lie down more comfortably.

"Thank you." I thanked him. He shook his head and smiled again. "No, it should be me who's suppose to thank you. Thanks for saving me."

I gave him a faint smile and nodded. "It's my job to keep you safe. Where's the girl?"

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