Chapter 43 : Two Hearts

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Jane's P.O.V.

After putting the box in my room, I walked towards Hyun Min's office. The same office we were in after the school festival.

I pushed the door and saw Hyun Min looking at some papers on his office table. He gave me a smile and asked me to sit in front of him.My, the cold guy at school was actually the warmest agent ever.

I followed his orders and sat down, facing him. He was looking cool and all, with his office suit and well mannered looks. There were all sorts of shiny certificates on the wall. And I could spot some medals near a corner of the office. "BEST T.S. AGENT OF THE YEAR", one of it says. Hm, that explains why he is so good when he goes undercover.

"What's with the face?" He frowned.

I shooked. "Amudo anigu."

"Hey, I know that your next case is too fast, but this is something that will help both of you and them."

"I know." I muttered.

"Okay, now back to the topic. You need to do some identifications of those two." He placed a file in front of me and opened it. All the information about Din and Daniel was there. Ready to be sign.

"So I have to go and meet them myself, right?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yeah." He glanced at his watch. "Hm. Follow me." He stood up.

I nodded and followed him out from the office. He was walking ahead of me and I was tagging behind him with a sad face. The only thing that kept filling my mind was Kyung Soo's smile.

Kyung Soo-ah, I miss you...


"Ready?" Hyun Min stood in front of the see through glass.

I took a deep breath. Once Hyun Min switch on the lights inside the room, I will see one of those two behind the glass with a few people. They will be in a line, each one holding a number and they would look pretty similar. Only I could see them since I'm the one doing the identification. I gave Hyun Min a confident nod and he clicked something on the wall.

The lights switched on. And...

There he was. DIN. He looked distressed and frustrated.

Serves you right for commiting crimes.

Hyun Min took out a tape and started to record our conversation.

"Jane Ling, do you recognise your kidnapper?"


"Please say out the number."


"Are you really sure that number 5 is the one that kidnapped and assaulted you and your friends?"

"Positive." I closed my eyes for a second. My friends. The word 'FRIEND' made me so sad. My heart felt so crushed by the meaning of it. I wonder to myself,

Are they still my friends?

"So, you are definitely sure that he did it?"



Hyun Min switched off the lights and stopped the recording. "That's enough. Now, the other one."

He led me to another room and I just followed him without any hesitation. "Jane, gwaenchana?"

"Hm..." I smiled faintly at him. He nodded and quickly switched on the lights. I stared into the darkness and my eyes met his.

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