Chapter 26 : Revealing The Truth

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Tae Joo came back to the store where Jane and D.O was. He stopped when he saw Jane. He could see tears rolling down her cheeks. Raina was waiting for him with a knife in her hands. She spotted Tae Joo and handed him the knife.

"Beast, it's time." She said wickedly as she glared at D.O. The boy couldn't do anything now.

Tae Joo walked towards Jane, his hand holding the knife. He kneeled down and lifted the knife, ready to stab Jane.

"Tae Joo, I trusted you. I thought you were my friend! I even thought you as my brother!" She said and looked right through Tae Joo's eyes. Tae Joo widen his eyes.

He gulped as he lifted the knife higher.

"Palli, master." Raina exclaimed. Jane closed her eyes. Tae Joo held his breath as he swung the knife towards Jane... and the knife went right through...

The wall.

Jane opened her eyes in shockness. Tae Joo didn't stab her. The knife was stuck to the wall, just a few inches from Jane's face.

"Tae Joo?" Jane's jaw dropped.

"Beast? Bo hanenugeoya?" Raina was suprised with his action. Tae Joo stood up with a clam expression.

"You can come in now." He said with a smile. Raina was puzzled. Who is he talking to?

Then suddenly, someone came into the room and grabbed both of Raina's arms. She panicked as she tried to get out from the person's grip but it was just too strong.

Jane widen her eyes as she recognized the person.


Chanyeol winked at Jane as Raina gasped, panicked by his action.

"What is the meaning of this?" She shrieked. Her eyes caught Tae Joo smiling widely.

"Master? Ige boya?"

Tae Joo took out something from his pocket. Jane gasped when she saw that thing.

It was a handcuff.

"Kim Ji Han a.k.a Raina Kim, you're under arrest for serial murders and kidnapping." He said as he handcuffed Raina. Chanyeol then continued his sentence. "Everything you say can and will be used in court... Oh wait, you're not even going to court."

"Let me go!! Master, why are you doing this to me? I thought we were a team!" Raina screamed as she shooked her handcuffed hands. Tae Joo shrugged.

"We? Before you say anything further, I am not Park Tae Joo, the man that hired you all these years. He's in jail for almost... a year now." What Tae Joo said made Raina gasped in horror.

"Andwae. Jeoldae andwae! This must be a joke! So all this time, you're just disguising as him? Who are you??!!"

"I'm..." He then turned to Jane, that was bewildered by the situation. "Just like her."

"So, Raina Kim. Looks like you're going to have plenty of years in jail." Chanyeol said with a grin. Then he spotted D.O.

"Yah, Kyung Soo. You can stop acting now."

Shockingly, D.O's hands and feet were not really tied. He quickly pulled out the handkerchief that was gagging him. He quickly helped Jane, that was too shock to even say anything.

This is such a weird but relieving situation!

"Bo? Neoya!!!" Raina was so angry she tried to kick Chanyeol but Chanyeol was fast. "I think you should go now. Guys, bring her back to the agency."

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