S I X T Y - T H R E E

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It's the year 1996. She could've been in year 6 in school, but her parents decided it was best to teach her in the house. She never really liked the idea but she went along with it rather than imagining herself stuck in the manor doing nothing.

In the meantime, she and Kirk are starting to create a plan. It wasn't good at first, but at least they're cooperating.

She is now in the study room with her new teacher. The teacher has brown short hair and her skin is pale as a snow. Y/n also observed that this teacher has a strong liking for red lipstick since she wore the same lip colour almost everyday.

Her name is Carina Lewis. Her name definitely fits her personality as well. She's nice but sometimes she goes a bit too much.

"... That's why he was called," the teacher stopped talking when she saw y/n not participating in her class. "Miss Guildford? Are you even listening to what I said earlier?"

"Yes, Ma'am. The reason why he was called like that it's because he liked people calling him like that," said y/n, smiling. What y/n said made no sense at all. It wasn't even related to the topic. Not even close. Her teacher brought her hand to her face, sighing to herself.

I was paid with a large amount of money and this is what she answered? Is she even smart like her father or her mum?

Carina thought to herself. Y/n, on the other hand, she was actually smart. Yet, she was acting dumb just to annoy her teacher.

"It doesn't make any sense at all," said Carina. Being the kind teacher she was. She continued, "Well, there's plenty of room for you to learn. And I know you can do this!"

Carina ended her statement by adding a little yay and giggle. Y/n is already tortured just by seeing this.

"Moving on to the next lesson, I will be talking about-"

"I'm sorry to interrupt but can I get y/n please?" said Ellora, pointing at y/n, who quickly got up and went beside her.

"Oh that's alright, Mrs. Guildford. I'm sure we can continue this tomorrow— y/n don't forget your assignment, okay?" said Carina, lifting both of her thumbs and smiling at her. Y/n forced a smile and quickly shut the door.

Her mum faced her and say, "That's one fake smile right there."

Y/n just rolled her eyes, not caring about her mum's comment.

"Why did you call me anyway?" asked y/n, bunching her forehead. Her mum smiled. With that creepy looking smile y/n knew that it was rather good or bad. But all she could think of is bad.

"We're going to meet some old acquaintances. You know them," answered her mother. Y/n's face did not move at all. She don't know who she referring to. Ellora noticed her daughter's thinking expression. She sighed, "It's the Malfoys, honey. Isn't that grand?"

Ellora chuckled and clapped, as if someone did a great performance in stage. Meanwhile, y/n doesn't have the same enthusiasm with her mother. Instead of being happy to see Draco, but she was also scared. She didn't know why but that is what she feels right now even though she haven't seen Draco.

"I don't want to go," she mumbled. But her mum heard her. Ellora looked at her. She gave her daughter a look that everyone hates. Ellora squint her eyes and pressed her lips together. 

"What do you mean you don't want to go, sweetheart?"

"A.) Don't call me sweetheart. We are not in good terms. B.) I don't want to myself to be surrounded with entitled arrogants," replied y/n. When she said entitled arrogant, she didn't mean that Draco was like them too. She knew for a fact that he has a good heart unlike Lucius and the other malfoys.

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