If this is your attempt to apologise to me then it's not working so far.

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I thought that going camping with the guys would be a fun time, that was until everyone had a massive argument before we even left London. I wish I could say it was just a five minute dispute that was resolved before we got into the cars but I would be lying. It all started with the most stupid little comment that Matty made about Adam. Usually he would brush it off but clearly Adam was fed up of the constant hits that Matty would put out on him. Ross told Adam to ignore Matty's childish behaviour and that led to Adam making a remark about how Matty should fuck off and do some lines because he's more tolerable then.

To say Matty was offended would be a major understatement, even though Adam was only joking and wanted to hit Matty in a sore spot, it didn't sit well with him. That sent Matty into mood that literally no one seemed to pull him out of. He even begun snapping at me for petty little things. This caused me to tell him to stick his camping trip up his arse and refused to go.

I wasn't serious about it though, I still wanted to go and then after half an hour of convincing from Nessa and George I agreed to come. But I refused to go in the car with Matty, I wasn't in the mood to do a 3 hour drive to Manchester with him in the 25 degree heat while he was in a pissy mind set.

I think it annoyed him more that I didn't go in the car with him, Ross and Chelsea since he was excited to use his new car for the trip. I opted for a better car load with George, Adam and Nessa. Which maybe was me being a little more petty than necessary but he was being rude to me for no reason.

By the sounds of it though, we had a much better time on the drive up north. Nessa and I played One Direction songs as loud as we possibly could, singing along terribly until George took the aux back and played Slipknot to "cleanse" his ears. Adam didn't mind what we listened to thankfully.

I didn't really know where we were going to be honest, all I do know is it's not right in Manchester but about a 40 minute drive away. We were closer to the west coast near the beach. It was kinda weird in a way, the place we ended up in was this massive forest that led out into a lake. We parked the cars in an opening big enough for the tents and an area to set up a fire.

"Well you're stuck here now Alyssa, goodluck." George turned towards both me and Nessa in the backseat.

"That really doesn't give me any reassurance about this weekend." I looked at him with slight worry in my voice.

"It won't be that bad..." He trailed off. "Well actually it'll probably be shit now your boyfriends in a raging mood with everyone."

"Yeah that's kinda my worry now." I looked over at Matty's car and he was looking through his phone with a face that said nothing but anger. "And by the looks of it he's not lightened up any."

"Well you're stuck with it for 2 days but hopefully he will have changed his tune by then." George shrugged.

"He can dish it but can't take it sometimes, maybe he shouldn't be such a prick all the time." Adam looked round at me.

"Hopefully he will learn not to be a dick to you all the time then." I gave Adam a small smile.

"This is Matty we're talking about." George laughed.

"Yeah, you're right." Adam nodded and joined in laughing. Ross knocked on the window of George's door so he rolled it down.

"You guys just gonna stay in the car all weekend?" He asked us.

"Has the delicate princess stopped throwing his strop yet?" George shot back at Ross.

"What do you think?" Ross chuckled.

FOREVER, YOURS // Matty Healy.Where stories live. Discover now