For you are not beside but within me.

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"So let me get this straight, you want me to keep this blindfold on until we get there?" Matty asked me. I glanced over at him, taking my eyes off the road for a brief second. His head was back and he peeked under the fabric slightly to look at me.

"Stop peeking!" I said quickly, lightly slapping his arm. "Yes, you have to keep it on so you don't ruin the surprise."

"I have never made you go in completely blind." He whined.

"Well that's your own doing, I'm telling you now Matty if you ruin this I'll be pissed." I said firmly. I wanted to give him a surprise for once, to make him feel excited about something. If he ruined it now by being impatient then I would be gutted.

"It's uncomfortable and weird Alyssa." He groaned like a child.

"Just stop whining, we're nearly there anyway." I rolled my eyes, not that he could see it due to his visual impairment at the moment.

"Fine." He gave in. "All I'm saying is this better be good enough for me to be blind for half an hour."

"Oi, that just makes me feel nervous that it's not good enough for you." I shot back at him.

"I'm joking, I'm sure whatever you've got planned will be amazing." He looked in my direction, even though he couldn't see me his smile made me smile in return.

"As long as you don't spoil it for yourself by looking." I said in a warning tone as I caught him tilting his head back again. "I should've tied you to the fucking seat." I groaned.

"Now that would be kinky, maybe save that one for later." He said with a cheeky grin spreading across his face. His eyebrows wiggled slightly underneath the blindfold.

"We'll see how this goes." I said with a chuckle.

Once we got there I stopped the car, it wasn't far from where we both lived so luckily for him he would be freed from his prison sooner than he thought. "Did you stop driving or did you hit some lights?" He asked.

"We're here." I told him.

"Thank fuck for that because this is bugging me so much." He moaned.

"Well give me a minute and all will be revealed." I said. I got out of the car and walked around to his side and opened the door. "Give me your hand." I demanded, he reached out into the air obviously having no idea where I was exactly. I took it and pulled him out of the car. He stumbled a little due to having no vision.

"Can I take this off now?" He asked impatiently.

"In a minute, you're gonna have to trust me here." I said to him.

"Oh no, you're not gonna fucking guide me or something." He sounded like a fucking child at this point.

"Do you not trust me?" I asked him.

"It's not that Alyssa, you could trip over a flat surface so how am I supposed to believe you can walk and somehow guide me safely." He said with worry laced in his words.

"Have a little faith in me, I'll be careful okay." I told him confidently. I wasn't really that sure of myself because he's not wrong, I am incredibly clumsy but I couldn't let him think he was right on this and ruin the surprise.

"I swear to God if I fall over because of you." He chuckled.

"You don't believe in God." I rolled my eyes.

"I do now for this purpose." He mumbled. "Right let's go then." I shook my head at him and started to guide him towards the gates. I read the sign and smiled to myself. I discovered this place maybe a month after I moved to London, a coworker suggested it because she knew I wasn't used to the rush of city life. She told me it would be a nice place to get away from it all and get back in touch with nature.

FOREVER, YOURS // Matty Healy.Where stories live. Discover now