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𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓈𝑒 𝒫𝒪𝒱

after i stopped talking with noen, i immediately had to start getting ready. if i wasn't ready at least 5 minutes before my mom came to wake me up, she'd get upset and start rushing like its my fault she wants me to get up 7 fucking days before i have to. 

don't get me wrong, i love my mom to pieces but she's an entire temper tantrum in a nutshell- like the ones kendall used to throw when he was little. he's 19 now, but when he was 5-6 years old he threw tantrums like a beast. your probably thinking, of course he did he was a baby, well the thing is he'd throw a fit every single time things didn't go his way. or when he didn't like something. or sometimes, just because he wanted too. 

me, mom and dad always prayed for the day it would all end and eventually it came; leaving us all at piece. now he's a great kid, he's finishing school and planning on starting a company. he doesn't exactly know what he wants for the company- and it may not seem like a lot but he's doing way better then me. 

after putting some close on, i fixed my hair and waited for my mom to come and see if i was up. it was around 7:30 and the sun was still rising. 

i started to think about that boy. he's such a great kid, i don't see why they're so mean to him over there. he seems like such a genuine guy, what was such the issue? he's just a sweet, loving guy with good intentions and doesn't deserve such disrespect. 

the same day, i found myself at another interview rehearsal. it was pretty normal, the interviewer asked me questions and i gave him answers but i knew something wasn't right. my mom wasn't being overly pushy, so something had to be up. she was definitely up to something. 

"so, what's it like being in the spotlight?" the interviewer asked. "well its really-" i started, before being cut off by my mother. "shes here!" she said. suddenly charli walked over, smiling. 

thats what she was upto. 

"surprise! i got charli to do the interview with you!" my mother smiled. "hey." charli said, sitting down next to me. "rehearsing?" 

"should we start over?" the interviewer asked. "no its-" 

and with that, we started over. 

your probably wondering, what's the issue with charli being there? isn't she your girlfriend? now, that she is but she also isn't 

the public, my family, and literally everyone who isn't my friends, chrystal and charli herself think that charli and i are a real couple. 

but- we fake it. why? because it makes everyone happy. now charli on the upper hand, loves her career. she doesn't like mine though. and i'm gonna be honest, i do not blame her. 

after a good hour of rehearsing and getting everything into place before we started recording, charli and i were sent into the dressing room to pick something to wear and finish getting ready. 

"so, when are you tell them?" she asked. "tell them what? that were only dating because we want them happy?" i said. 

now don't catch this ball the wrong way, charli and i are great friends. she's one of the only friends i have from childhood, who isn't just a business partner. jaden, anthony, avani, dixie, charli and i were practically best friends when we were little but then fame happened and now we barely even see each other anymore. charli is all i have left practically.

"that, but your little secret." charli mentioned. "secret?" i said. i had to think for a second but then it all came back to me. "oh secret. yeah i don't know. probably never." i said. "so, you plan on lying your entire life about what you want for the sake of others?" charli said. "shes my mom, i practically have no choice."
"you do have a choice."
"yeah, a choice of life or death. they're my parents for fucks sake, i'll burn to a crisp if i tried to tell them what i wanted."

see, my mom was the bigger issue but don't think my dad wasn't apeshit-crazy himself. yeah, he doesn't show up much. he spends most of his time at business meetings setting up photo shoots and interviews but he still isn't of any help. everything that comes out of her mouth, my dad agrees with. it's terrible, and people like to tell me they do it because they love me? what a load of bullshit- [chase has never seen such bullshit 😔]

"it doesn't matter. your getting older and your going to have to tell them. you can't keep yourself in a relationship with a girl because others want it. it's not good for your mental health, and it'll make people not trust you." she said. "this isn't me harassing you to come out. this is me pushing you to take what you want. your world famous, literally everything is at your finger tips. all you have to do is grab it and not let go."

she made a good point. i do have a history of being shy and introverted- but then you get to know, and realize i generate a little too much crackhead energy. 

"i know. im just scared." i said. "what if i drop it all by accident?" 
"chase, if you really want it you'll hold on and make sure it doesn't fall."

oh metaphorical terms, how you make every conversation more complicated then it truly is. and thats on morse code sis. 

"guys, they need you back on set in 15 minutes- oh my god you two need to speed it up they're waiting!" kendall said, popping his head into the room. we haven't even started getting ready yet...

we quickly nodded and got back to our dressing rooms, and got dressed. 

"hey bitches im here, queer, and filled with experiential fear for chase's life- bud she told me everything." chrystal says, coming into my room. "yeah, i'm nervous. i don't know if im ready though." i said, walking out of the room with her. "i'm going to be honest, i don't think your ever gonna be ready with the they treat you. but, just wait until the time is right." she said.

and with all that in mind, we started the interview. wish me luck. 

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍; 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now