ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴄᴀᴛᴇ, ɴᴏᴛ ᴅᴇᴛᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ.

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𝓐𝓷𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓷𝔂 𝓟𝓞𝓥

was i about to blow up in bryce's face? of course i was! he just made me ruin my friendship! 

i waited for the others to show up at the park so we could discuss what happened. once they got here, my instinct was to go after bryce but the mission was more important that what i had to say- so it can wait for a few minutes. 

"alright anything, you said the missions in panic mode. whats up?" avani asked. "well chase is taking sides with josh, not only with me but with noen too. i talk to him and he completely attacked me verbally, taking josh's side. he did the same thing with noen today. chase and i are no longer friends and i blame that on bryce." i said. 

"woah woah wait, how is this my fault?" bryce asked. "it was your idea to tell him what josh was upto!" i said. "yeah, and you told me he took your side." bryce replied. "he was, but we need to keep in mind that chase is chained up in his web of lies! this is your fault, your making the mission go batshit-crazy!" i said. "this isn't my fault. you said it yourself, chase is in his chains. this isn't anybodies fault but chase's so don't put this on me, or anybody else." bryce said. 

he made a pretty good point, but it didn't make me any less upset about looking my best friend. 

"anthony, you said he's being like that with noen too?" jaden asked. "yeah, noen's the one who asked me why i left the chat and i told him about the fight." i said. "he would never do anything like that to noen, he loves noen! it's like he's under some kind of-" 

"-mind control." we all said, in clear sync. 

"josh is fucking with his mind so bad that he's turning on everybody." bryce said. "we can't let that happen. josh has to fail!" avani said. "yeah. what should we do?" nick asked. "well- since chase and josh are spending most of they're time together, josh is most likely putting more stuff in his head. and nick is the only person who hasn't warned chase about josh...." bryce said, looking at nick. "oh no, no way! i promised i'd never EVER do that!" nick said. "nick, please for the sake of the mission!" bryce said. "uh uh! no! i have a boyfriend!" 

"nick! please!" 

"gahh! fine! but on one condition." 


"we get tony on operation choen." 


i'll be honest, i was confused as a christmas elf on easter. 

"what are you guys talking about?" i asked. "we're going with the cheating idea. if chase didn't believe you or noen when you tried to tell him he was a bad person, then he'll just have to find out himself." bryce said. "we should've just gone with that plan to begin with. i knew eventually i'd have my plan." avani chuckled. "operation choen was your idea to begin with. you like- our leader and commander." jaden chuckled. "fair enough." she said. 

"anyway, when are we making josh hit on me?" nick asked. "woah wait, what???" avani asked. "i thought we were making chase cheat?"

"no, were using the josh side of the plan. nick and i have gone over trying this idea for other things but he doesn't want to do it because of tony. but were telling tony thins time so theres no excuse." bryce says. "yeah, whatever." nick said. "maybe we can recruit tony to The Lemonheads!" jaden suggested. "i don't think he'll mind that actually. we could use the extra help!" avani said. 

"having gives us extended plan ideas, too. but for the plan, nick's going to go in as if he was just hanging out- and if you don't know the boys flirt on the regular, i point that out because avani is avani-" bryce started. "fuck you too bitch." avani said. "-uh huh. but like i was saying, nick's gonna do his regular flirting and take it too far. then purposely get caught." bryce continued. "i don't like the idea of this." nick said. "well its too bad, we're doing it because theres no excuse not too. and don't even ask me to make kio do it, he's straight. and not part of the plan. he'd probably rat us out just for cash." bryce chuckled. 

"fair. but can we go get tony first? i miss him. and we have to tell him the plan!" nick asked. "yeah whatever lets go." bryce said. 

and with that, we were off to tony's place. 

we rung the doorbell a few times but didn't get ans answer. 

"maybe he's not here. lets just go, we can come back tomorrow or something-" i started. "no no, the plan isn't waiting we're doing this now!" nick said. he quickly knelt down and grabbed a key from under the flower bed in the grass. he dusted the dirt off of it, and unlocked the door. "you could've done that before." jaden chuckled. "i could've. but i didn't." nick chuckled. 

when we got into the house, it seemed empty. his parent's weren't there. neither was he. not even ondreaz was there, and ondreaz was always there! 

suddenly, i started getting hit with foam bullets.... ones from like a nerf gun? 

"WHO THE FUCK IS HERE?!- oh hey guys." tony said, shooting us from the stair way with a nerf gun. "i heard knocking and thought there was someone in the house." he chuckled coming down the stairs. 

"surprised, its just us." jaden chuckled. "hold on-" avani said, laying down on the floor. "i've been hit! avenge me jaden, avenge me!" she said, laughing. "get up, it was just plastic." bryce laughed, helping her up. 

"so, what brings you guys here?" tony asked. "well, we have to do something and we needed to consult you first." nick said, hugging tony. "oh, alright whats up?" 

"nick needs to cheat on you for a plan we have." bryce said. "wait- like actually cheat on me?" tony asked. "no no, like fake cheat on you." bryce replied. 

"okay. but why?" 

"well, chase is in this overly toxic relationship with josh and we need it too end because if it doesn't this entire thing is going to end with josh being the most famous person ever and chase in nothing but failure. we're also doing this to make choen happen." avani said. "that- i can deal with. yeah, go for it." tony smiled. "but it feels so dirty.." nick said, hiding his face in tony's chest. "it'll be fine. chase needs this." tony said. "ack. fine." nick said. 

"alright, nick meet at josh's tonight at 7." bryce said. "how do you know they'll be there?" jaden asked. "they're always there." bryce chuckled. 

"i'm wishing you guys luck, hopefully stuff will go as planned and you'll be able to save chase's dignity." tony chuckled. "but for now-" he started, grabbing nick's glasses off his face and holding them in the air. 

"give them back!" nick said. "grab them." tony chuckled. nick start jumping up, trying to grab them but failed. 

with nick being shorter then him, tony was in all control right now. "just grab them nick!" tony teased. "why must you always-" nick groaned. he then looked at the sofa. "nope. shoes." then the coffee table. "nope weight." then he looked at tony. he smirked, pushing himself up off of tony's shoulders and wrapped him legs around his waist, grabbing his glasses. "aha!" he said, putting his glasses back on. "Oh so we got big moves now?" tony chuckled. 

"ugh you guys make me feel single." bryce joked. 

well, the plan has been going down hill but the lemonheads won't give up. i won't give. no matter how many times chase and i say we're not friends... he'll always be the light on the other side, and i won't stop until he's happy. 

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍; 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now