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𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓼𝓮 𝓟𝓞𝓥

i woke up this morning in the car, not remembering how i got there in the first place. the sun had been rising as i woke up, so it must've been early. i looked to my right and saw kendall, already awake as he looked out the window. "hey. what's going on?" i asked. "you don't remember? you have a guest appearance on The Ellen Show today. we've been driving for a few hours." kendall said softly. i guess i fell asleep and didn't remember when we left.. the last thing i remember is the last three photoshoots and falling asleep after sitting down. 

i guess i have been really over-exhausted lately. when i got home yesterday i remember texting noen for a bit before leaning back on my bed and shutting my eyes. then i was here.. 

"oh.." i said. "wait what about the fashion show in Italy?" i asked. "oh yeah, you fly out this weekend. mom said you can bring your friends if you want because i agreed to pay for them." he said. my eyes widened as he spoke. "really?! your the best kendall!" i said. "now i can see noen!"
"yeah, but make sure you let him know now so he can get permission from his parents." 
"about that..." i started, looking down at my hands. "he doesn't have parents." i said. kendall gave me a look. "oh, i see." he got the concept instantly. he always gets the concept of the conversation easily. 

"so chase, who's this new friend of yours?" my dad asked. i was a little startled by him being awake, but then again the car can't drive itself.

kendall, dad and i spent the rest of the ride talking about noen until we got to the studio and all the fun turned into business stuff. 

i made my way to my dressing room after meeting Ellen and waited for the makeup artist to show up. little did i know, i'd be hitting it all off with the makeup artist... as always. 

chrystal walked into the room and smiled, seeing my face light up. "hi whore!" i said, smiling. "hola bitch!" she chuckled. "so, you excited for Italy too?" 
"your coming?"
"yep! you had to have some kind of adult on the trip, and kendall didn't wanna babysit." she said, winking.

this trip was gonna be awesome, not only was i bringing the dream team but Chrystal's coming too? and my parents aren't coming? yeah, i'm throwing a party. a big one. 

"so, what are your first plans for the trip?" she asked. "besides the show, of course." as she start working her magic on my face. i've never really understood makeup. all i know is that you have to do a certain thing, a certain way an bam!- you look like your wearing a real-life snapchat filter. it just works man. 

"party......" i said, in a high-pitched tone; kind of trying to convince her.  "fine, but remember your moms going to be checking in, so make it as big and chaotic as possible. you know what she wants." Chrystal said, giving me a look. "publicity. if i'm gonna do something bad, i need to do i the worst i can." i sighed. 

"alright. anything else?" 
"uh oh. drama?" 
"no. i think im ready to tell Avani, Jaden and Anthony that i'm gay." 
"oh good! you should! this is great!" 
"i know, i know but im kinda nervous. what if they don't except it?"
"i doubt that they're going to be those people. they've known you for too long to not accept you for what you are." 

hearing her speak, it all just came together. she makes a good point, if they're really my friends they'll be there no matter what and i know they're great kids... maybe the time is right. 

"yeah. your right. if they are my friends they'll be there anyway." i said, before taking out my phone and texting the group chat. 

the dream team 🌈

hey guys?




hey :)

i have a confession to make..

im gay. charli and i are a pda relationship just for more publicity. nobody knows but you guys, not even my parents know. well chrystal knows too but you know what i mean. i've been afraid to tell you guys because i feared rejection but i know you guys, and i know you won't just walk away. 

oh my god gay bes fren 

dude you know you can tell us anything!

idk bout u but i stan the gay 

all of them

chase im so proud of you right now 

i love you guyssss :')

woah. that went well. very very well. 

"well. thats- good. really really good." i said smiling at chrystal. "see? i knew they were gonna take it well. it all just needed explanation." she said. 

suddenly, the director came into the room. "Mr. Hudson, your on in 5." he said. "thanks! and uh just call me Huddy!" i smiled. 

Mr.Hudson? now that could give a kid nightmares. 

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍; 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now