Chapter Four- Sophie

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I wanted to trust Keefe, I really did. But still, a part of me worried what trouble he might get himself into. He could hurt himself worse, or get captured by the Neverseen doing some stupid thing. I couldn't risk that, but he had seemed so genuine. It was how early he submitted to it thought that frightened me. He must have some plan, I just couldn't think what it was. 

Edaline had hailed me when she found out about Keefe being awake, making sure everything was okay. I promised her it was but she still arrived at the healing center not even five minutes afterwards. 

She wrapped me in a hug, and I sank into it. Grady came behind her, glancing at Keefe uneasily. Keefe smirked at him, raising his hands as if to say 'I'm innocent'

"How are you doing, kiddo?" Grady asked, joining the hug.

"I'm fine. Just worried about Keefe. Oe moment he was about to die and the next he's completely fine. Elwin wants him to stay on bedrest for the day, but I don't know if it will be enough. There has to be something wrong, I cant figure out how he could just suddenly be fine. I wanted to check his mind, but Master Leto said not to." I exclaimed exasperated. I tugged on my eyelashes, "I'm worried about him. He could still have something wrong that Elwin can't see- and what if he manifests something that could kill him?" 

"He'll be fine. He's a strong boy, you know that." Edaline said gently, I sighed flinging an eyelash to the ground.

"I know. It's just, there could be something wrong inside of him that even he isn't strong enough to recover from. Despite how amazing Elwin is, you know there are some things he can't see." 

"I'm fine, Foster." Keefe called over from his cot. I jumped, I hadn't realized he could hear us. "To quote Alden, theres no reason to worry. This time I think you'll have to listen to him." 

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but you should listen to him." Grady said, I let out a sigh. Before I could reply, a small pop sounded in the room. I stopped, listening. There was something familiar about it. Suddenly there was a bight flash, momentarily blinding me. I blinked several times, stars filled my vision and I took a step back. 

My vision finally cleared, Keefe was still blinking and shaking his head. I looked at Grady and Edaline, they were blinking as well. In the middle of the room a women had appeared curled up, her blonde hair covering her face. She wore a purple dress, but holes were burned into it making it look like it had been through a fire storm. She smelled strongly of smoke, and the ends of her hair looked like they had been singed. 

Sobs raked the women's body, and Grady and Edalines eyes widened. The woman looked up, tears streaming down her pale cheeks. She had a petit form, and turquoise eyes. Something about her was familiar, like I had seen her somewhere, or even a picture. I gasped as the name clicked in my mind. 

The purple dress. The holes, the smoke. The turquoise eyes. Even before Edaline stepped forward, I knew who this women was.


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