Chapter 18 - Sophie

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342 views guys!!!!! Sorry, this is just really exiting for me. Thank you all!! Plus the 59 votes gave me a great boost as well!

Also, just so you know I will not be updating for a while most likely. I will try but I have some people over at my house, and am to busy.

"Hidden abilities?" I asked, "What are those?" The councilors and Mr. Forkle looked shaken, each of their faces paler then I had ever seen. 

"Something you shouldn't know about." Bronte said, his eyes trailing to Keefe warily. 

"I think we deserve to know, seeing as you know, I may actually have a hidden ability!" Keefe said, his eyes darting between all of the councilors. 

"It is something only the councilors should know, but apparently somehow Mr. Forkle knows." Emery responded, taking a deep breath, "But perhaps it would be best if you knew. But you should be warned, our past is not as perfect as it seems. It is dark and corrupted. Something we wish we could forget and hide away with our cashes, but if we do mass chaos would reign the earth."

"It is something only I have witnessed," Bronte continued, "But something we must all know about and know how to handle."

"Okay, thats all great, but what are the hidden abilities?" Glimmer said from under her hood. "Is it still something we all have?"

"No, they started calling it an ability because it became so common with the humans. They truly are merely just powers but more powerful then any we have. Deathly even. It was very rare with the elves, but when they did have it, they lost the ability to feel guilt." Alina said.

"What?!" I asked, "The humans? They... had powers?"

"Used to. The powers became so dangerous, that it could not continue." Liora responded. "They became incredibly powerful, and almost killed us all. No guilt and no mercy are not good combinations with the forgotten powers. It's dangerous. So the ancients had to..." She hesitated, and Terik stepped in.

"The ancients had to do something about it, so they found a way to, eh, strip away their powers. But there was no way to do that to the elves who had it. The humans grew angry that we had stripped the powers from them but not our own kind, they did not understand we still had no way to take them away. The humans anger grew, to the point that they..." He choked up, then cleared his thought. "They killed each elf that had one of the forgotten powers. They eventually earned the nickname hidden abilities. We decided to wipe away any memory of the powers and the darkness and death they had caused. Only the councilors should know, and as much as we wanted to hide it away into our cashes we can't. We still don't understand how they had started, and we still don't understand how to wipe it from an elf."

The room fell silent. 

"What were the powers?" Linh asked timidly, breaking the silence.

"I don't know if we should tell them, they are very young." Oralie stated.

"No." I took a moment to realize it was Biana who had said it. "We have been through so much, we have been fighting a war! We may be young but we've had more experience then most elves would have in their lifetimes. We are not fragile little kids." She pushed her sleeve up to show her scars, "You see these? These are not scars a little kid would have, these are the scars of war. I faced Vespera and I'm still fine. Fitz has faced Alvar and been fine. Keefe has faced his murderer mother, and he has been fine! I should hope I don't need to go on, because I could forever. We have been through so much and yet you still treat us as children. But we are the best bet on winning this war. Hiding things from us is not going to help. Sure, Sophie has faced more then any of us, and she is the most powerful but we are strong to. We all deserve to hear it. It doesn't matter that were young. We are still strong."

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