Chapter 5-Jolie

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(A/N Hey guys, sorry about the cliffhanger- actually, not really. Hope your liking this, it is my first fan fiction so I hope it works. Thanks for reading!! Love you all!)

*16 years ago (I think)*

I coughed, grasping for air instead finding more smoke. The flames were reaching higher, burning through the support beams easily. I could still hear Brants screams as he was pulled out of the wreckage. I tried to push myself out, but my arms no longer had any more strength. I heard an earsplitting crack, and looked up in time to see the ceiling caving in. I closed my eyes and threw my arms over my head in an attempt to protect myself. 

I waited two seconds. Three. Four. Nothing happened. The crackling of the fire had disappeared, the smell of smoke disappeared. I opened my eyes, looking around me. There was no longer anything holding my legs down. There was no longer... anything. Everything was just... gone. 

Small objects seemed to be placed at random, things that no one would simply leave unguarded. I looked at my feet, and would have jumped if there was anything to jump from. There was no ground, but I was levitating. As far as I could see there wasn't anything anywhere except for the strange and random objects. It was pretty much just an endless void of darkness and valuable items. 

I couldn't feel my body. I wanted to rub my temples, but my mind was disconnected with my body. I tried to move my legs, then my arms. Nothing worked. Panic started to swell in my chest, was I dead? Had the fire killed me? No. It couldn't have. Surely I wasn't dead. I looked at all the things around me.

Slowly, my mind put it together. These things were things someone would want to hide, never let it be seen. As if to confirm my theory, a purple, sparkly notebook drifted across my vision. Something I hadn't seen in years. All the facts clicked.

No, I wasn't dead. I had done something, no other conjurer had ever done before. Something that was thought to be impossible. Living beings weren't suppose to be able to go into the void.

But I had done it.

I was in the void.

(A/N Hey, sorry it's short, but I'll be publishing another chapter tomorrow if I have time)

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