Chapter 47 - Sophie

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Okay, this fanfiction is a lot longer then originally planned. I was thinking maybe a few chapters. Not this many. And, as much as I have loved writing this, I will be bringing it to an end as soon as possible. Thank you to all those who have frequently come back and supported me. I am glad you have stuck with me this far, thank you all!!!!

I really will cry when this is finished though... Please bear with me

I woke to a harsh pain in my neck, as if I had slept the wrong way. I groaned, trying to remember what happened. I forced my eyes open groggily. I was met with... rocks. Why were rocks above my bed? And why were my wrists tied together-

My head snapped up as I remembered everything. The closed museum, the seemingly new lamp post. And the smell. I hated the smell. Still, traces of it could be found. Why sedatives? Every time. I gagged at the stench of the rocks around me. It smelled of dead fish and rot, although a faint scent of ocean spray was easily detectable. 

"So. Your finally awake." I cringed at the voice. Gisela. I didn't bother giving her an answer. "Don't pretend you aren't. Its no use." Her cold voice snapped. 

"What do you want?" I snapped back, still trying to bring myself out of the dazed stupor I was in.

"What I want." She spat, "What I want is for the Black Swan to get out of my way." He voice lowered dangerously. Still I couldn't see her face, but I could feel her presence behind me.

My head ached, and the ache seemed to spread down my body. It felt as if every molecule of my body was pulling apart. I closed my eyes for a moment. "I'm afraid I won't be any help." I had to force my eyes open. Everything was seemingly covered in stars, and it seemed something was... missing. 

Gisela laughed. A cold, heartless sound. "Oh, but I believe you will." She walked in front of me, tugging at her gloves. Since when did she wear gloves? I was in too much pain to think about it. Her smile seemed stretched, but still every ounce as wicked. She knelt down, just in front of me. She placed her now gloveless hand on the arm of my chair. I stared as it slowly became nothing more then dust. 

It couldn't be...


Lady Gisela was a Disintegrater.

"Are you ready to help?"

I scowled at her, trying not to shudder. What would her power do on skin? I really didn't want to find out. Would she actually do it? Her sanity could be in question, but she had ordered Keefe's death hadn't she? "Never." I managed through clenched teeth.

She smiled, fake sincerity laced between the lines. "You will cooperate. Like it or not." In one swift motion, she twisted the chair in her grip. I looked down and gulped. She had turned my chair just over a cliffs edge. With her ungloved hand. Slowly, it was slipping from her grasp.

"Let me fall." I said shakily. "It doesn't matter."

"Oh, but it does. I'm surprised you haven't noticed, Keefe thinks you much more capable then that." I gulped as she shifted her hands position. "This little device around your head? Originally it was a work from your little techonpath friend. But, with a few tweaks it seems to have a different effect. Especially with the help of an absorber. It is very effective making teleporting..." She smirked. "Rather difficult." 

I took a deep breath, "I don't even know what you want!" I snapped. Lady Gisela suddenly pulled my chair back, making it fall onto the rock wall just behind me. Even with out her touch, it still was slowly disintegrating. 

"But you will..." She took a threatening step towards me. "Soon."

Ahhhhhhhh guuuuuuuyyyyyyyssssssss 

Yes, I am freaking out even though I know exactly what will happen. 

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