"The X-Advisors..." Part XI...

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Disclaimer: All is Chuck's...

Part XI...

Meanwhile the carefully positioned Howard had found himself documentary witness to an interesting scene...Susan Stein, on closing phone, approached by Dr. Francis...She, away from the glare of Siebert's cavalcade, clearly not eager to renew acquaintance, though very much aware of several males...And females...Trying to casually catch a glimpse of her alone in the corridor.

"Susan...Sorry we've not had the chance to speak together tonight." Francis, beaming congeniality.

"Xavier..." coolly. "I don't really think we have anything to say to each other."

"Now, Sue..." slyly reproving tone... "We're all going to be together here again for at least six months...We should be on speaking terms, after all."

"I said hello. I shook your hand and smiled. Dad asked me to and I did. I don't see any need for us to be chummy, Xavier." She frowned.

Howard, fascinated...Maintaining zoom with occasional glances round to see if the focus of his attention had been noted. Nothing like being able to soup up your camera phone with a micro Sound Cannon 5000...

"Susan...For what's passed between us, I accept my share of the blame..." Xavier sighed, earnest expression.

"Fine. Thanks. I'm leaving now, after I say goodnight to Dad. I'll probably see you next week."

"Not waiting for Francis...?"

"He needs to do the full leave-taking thing...I don't and I'm tired." She turned.

"I'd almost think you had a rendezvous scheduled, Susan." Xavier, the slightest edge of mockery. "Sheldon Cooper, by any chance?" call as she passed him...

Say what...? Howard blinked as Dr. Stein froze, eyeing Dr. Francis.

"Go to hell, Xavier..." she grimly muttered and continued on, pasting a smile as she emerged from the corridor.

"Get anything good, Wolowitz?" Kripke's voice suddenly caused Howard to jump a bit in his concealed corner. "I got some excellwent pics of hwer...Maybe we could pwool our rwesources, eh? A video with appwropwriate backgwround music fwrom hwer films?"

"Barry, go away..." Howard sighed. "I'm just taking a few shots of the party for Bernie before we leave."

"Suwre, suwre...I've got nothing against thwreesomes...Fantasy or othewrwise..." leer.

"Don't make me break this over your head." Howard glared. "Bernie really wanted some pictures from tonight."

"Whatever, Wolowitz..." Kripke, heading off in pursuit of Susan, she now pausing to exchange a word with a faculty member and peering round, presumably for her father. After a moment, she turned and headed for the main entrance, exiting...

Now what the hell was that? Howard pondered...

"Quite a beauty, isn't she? Pity she seems in a rush to leave us..." He turned to see Dr. Francis smiling at him.


"I'd've taken a few pictures myself...I really must come into the 21st century and get one of those things." He nodded at Howard's phone.

"Well, just taking a few of the party...My wife asked..."

"You're a friend of Leonard Hofstadter's aren't you? I saw him with you this evening...And you with his fiancée and that very charming microbiologist."

"Yes, my wife, Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz...I'm Howard Wolowitz, nice to meet you, sir."

"I understand Dr. Cooper became ill and Leonard took him home earlier...Fine fellow, young Hofstadter. I look forward to working with him again. A brilliant student back at Princeton."

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